Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Thanks, Greg. Yes, I adored my tarantulas. Unfortunately nobody else in the family shared my obsession. After 3 years of constant "yuck, how can you", "what is wrong with you", "you are crazy", etc. I decided to sell them all. The condition was that I would be supported in trying to establish a reef tank. BANG! Say hello to a new addiction. ;D
I kept my larger Ts in 10 gallon aquariums, smaller ones in 5.5 gallons, and my arboreals in either doll enclosures or fish tanks placed on the short end.
Here's a picture of "Flicka". She was my A. geniculata. I raised her from a tiny 1/4" spiderling.
In college I worked out at That Pet Place in lancaster for a few years. I wasnt into SW at the time, but I did raise mantella frogs. It was cool for a while, but I was too poor and moving around too much, so I gave them up...
i was digging through some boxes in the attic and found a stack of my old reptile magzine subscription. they are a great read for anyone interested in the care and husbandry of different reptile species i think there are 2 years worth and they include info on snakes,lizards,turtles,skinks etc...etc...
if anyone is interested in them let me know...i would rather not throw them out.