• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

April 2018 Meeting

April 2018 Meeting
Mike House
Sunday, April 22, 2018 - 12:00 PM
Until: Sunday, April 22, 2018 - 05:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
Ok.... I wasn't going to post about the Video chat, but since it has been brought up....

First, It was entirely inappropriate that this was sprung on me when the party was started at my home. I was not even asked about this before hand, and if I had....I would have said NO!

Having these meets are for friendly get-togethers at peoples homes to meet fellow reefers and to just have a nice day talking about our common interests in this hobby. It was not a place for the affairs of the BOD, and especially not a place for the nonsense that was displayed at my home with me having to setup my computer for it. If you want to do "state of Affairs" meetings then do a "web" hosted event or Go-TO-Meeting where everyone can call in...everyone in the club. Then you have a proper forum and not that drama I witnessed! It can have a proper agenda and then you can do a Q&A for all, and you may find a lot more help from members for the club that way.

I will say this...if this is the direction the club wants to take, I will not be hosting anymore. I am not one to have my home turned into hearing about the clubs issues.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
@Mike H You were supposed to be asked permission prior to Julie setting up. When she called me I assumed consent.

I thoroughly apologize and can guarantee this WILL not happen again.
Having these meets are for friendly get-togethers at peoples homes to meet fellow reefers and to just have a nice day talking about our common interests in this hobby. It was not a place for the affairs of the BOD, and especially not a place for the nonsense that was displayed at my home with me having to setup my computer for it. If you want to do "state of Affairs" meetings then do a "web" hosted event or Go-TO-Meeting where everyone can call in...everyone in the club. Then you have a proper forum and not that drama I witnessed! It can have a proper agenda and then you can do a Q&A for all, and you may find a lot more help from members for the club that way.

Hi Mike....I cannot comment on what this whole video thing was nor can I comment about what the arguments were about as I was not at the meeting so I don't know. But I have to say what you mention here is incorrect. These "get-togethers" are the monthly membership meeting. This is exactly the place for discussion about the club, the club affairs, and voting by the membership on issues is to be brought up as per our club by-laws. These are not just friendly get-togethers, they are where the BOD gives the status of the club, what is going on, shares financials, and it allows the members to bring up issues, discuss said issues, and vote on said issues.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
@Mike H

@9supratt4 is correct. However, we must take into account the feelings of the homeowner and if they do not want that event we must respect their wishes or move the meet

I will bear personal responsibility for this as the president. And will make much needed changes.
Once again I apologize @Mike H and please reach out to meet to discuss further
My point was this was sprung on me at my home...not asked BEFORE that day. If an agenda of that sort is proposed then I could have said yea or nay to it or had an idea on what was to be discussed. More importantly I dont think that part of having the meeting was so much an issue as to how the meeting was run....That needs major work!
I do suggest the idea of a yearly Go-To-meeting is best for a start, get ideas, then you can talk better about ideas if homeowners want that,,,just my .02...
Again, I don't know what happened as I wasn't there. But yes, meetings need to have a specific order to them and the order of the meeting should be a part of the by-laws. Cleaning up and revising the club by-laws will solve A LOT of issues.

But the one main issue is that the club MUST have monthly meetings to discuss old and new business. Since the club does not have a single physical location, we have always asked for volunteers to hold meetings at their homes. But you are correct, if members know how meetings work and what is discussed, then it is up to the members to volunteer or not to use their homes.
I do like the idea of video and/or voice participation for members to take advantage of who can't make the physical meeting. I personally have 2 companies and a 9 month old, so it is extremely hard for me to make meetings physically. But if I can access a live stream of the meeting, I would definitely take advantage of that.