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APTASIA, MOJAMO, PEST killer....Eric Borneman's recipe


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
CoralsMania said:
Mjic which nudibranch have used, where did you get yours.
A Berghia Nudibranch I bought them at OGII. They float to the top of the tank when the aptasia are gone. Unfortunatly I have a HOB Skimmer with a strainer that has openings that were a little to big. :p



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I just tried this solution and it seemed to have worked great!. All the mojamos were turned into mush immediately. Let's see if they come back :p


Paul B

NJRC Member
I have been using a recipe for years that is guaranteed to work the first time, every time and is practically free.
I use one of those little round wire brushes that goes on a dremmel.
I just gluegunned it into a small acrylic tube so it is easier to hold and I stick it in a mojano and twist. They hate that and immediately become mush.
No muss, no fuss. ;D
i tied Ap. X again last night and then followed up with boiling water.. some Majanoes seem to be gone mostly the ones i scraped off.. the Ap. that was there i do not see at the moment. I'm curious to try Joes juice and the Lye Method. a handful of the Majanoes are right next to my ZBlue Polyp cap which actually grew over and killed one so i need to be extra careful.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Bruce K said:
A year or so I saw liquid sodium hydroxide sold as a drain cleaner in Home Depot.
First place I looked.. the stuff they have now has other stuff mixed in with it "sodium hypochlorite"


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Try checking Lowes for Roebic Crystal Drain Opener. It's 100% lye.

You can also try looking for places that sell soap making supplies as lye is a main ingredient in soaps.
I do sell Sodium Hydroxide for Kati Ani regeneration. However, the smallest quantity I sell is two pounds which is too much for your purpose. But, if you really get desperate, let me know.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Bruce K said:
I do sell Sodium Hydroxide for Kati Ani regeneration. However, the smallest quantity I sell is two pounds which is too much for your purpose. But, if you really get desperate, let me know.
Thanks Bruce


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
OMG..LOL...I have a new respect for this guy...I like the cut of his jib :)...He also got charged with assault and battery and murder of APTASIA and MOJAMOS :D...This is a Guy I could see myself hanging out with :)...I see a new Mugshot AV pic coming :D
Eric Borneman Arrested
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I tried Joe's Juice and think it actually made it worse. You have to be really careful how you apply or they will re-produce.

I had good success with Nudibranch. You need to make sure you have a lot of Aptasia in your system, buy 4-6 of the Nudibranch and then wait. Takes about 2-3 months but I haven't seen any in my tank. Unfortunately they are a little pricey and will die when then can't find any more Aptasia. I ordered through a company in Florida called ReefTown


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Has anyone tried GARF's method?

Prepare stock solution

1. 1 tsp. pickling lime - food grade calcium hydroxide
2. 2 tbls. tap water.

boil water and lime in microwave for 40 sec.
keep closed plastic container in cool place.
You will need a vet syringe from a pet store that sells vaccinations

This mixture comes out of the needle very thick. You do not need to inject the Aiptasia.
Just release a small amount on to the aiptasia and it will take it in. This mixture seems to stick to the
anemone, but it does not stick to the other inverts. We also use this mixture on problem hair algae.

We have killed 20 or 30 at a time in 55 gallon reefs and it did not hurt anything
I just wanted to share. Wasn't sure if they were majano or ball but... I don't have a reef tank so it was easy for me to remove all the rock and burn every single sucker. It was a bit satisfying to hear them sizzle. A piece of wire over a candle flame.