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Aquacontroller jr help.

Would anyone with an ac jr. like to get paid to show me how to use the unit. I could either pay cash or I have a few corals to trade for the service. I have a large colony of pocillopora, also have a large palua nepthea, blue/purple tort on rork. I need this asap.Please pm me for my phone # if interested. I also have a 40 breeder tank.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Just tell us what you bought the controller to do. What did you buy with it (DC8, DC4, etc). Is it new or used.
I feel your pain! My buddy and I spent all afternoon yesterday trying to program the dam thing. I have to say the owners manual is terrible! You would think that it would be written for the casual hobbyist not just the computer savy. Mines about a day away from going in the garbage!
Yeah, My biggest problem is my eyesight is shot and I have to hold the manual two feet away to see it. I need glasses but spent all my money on frags.... I had my wife try to help me but she is not into the hobby so that lasted about 10 min. I would rather pay someone to show me.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
just take your time and play with it and you will become familiar with how it works.
like everything in this hobby it takes time to learn new stuff.
i'm far from an expert and i've asked some questions(Phyl&John).I'm told Phil(pgordemer)
is the person to talk to.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The easiest way to program a Jr is with a AC JR serial cable and using the free Aquanotes lite, otherwise you have to do it through the front panel.

1st step is to set the 3 letter names for each of your sockets. I am using an ACIII in this example, but the language is the same (JR supports 12 Timer Names, III supports 20)


Then give the commands for Time or temp to them.

So here is my lighting snippet:

If Time > 13:30 Then LT1 ON
If Time > 14:30 Then LT2 ON
If Time > 21:30 Then LT2 OFF
If Time > 22:30 Then LT1 OFF
If Timer LT1 = OFF Then FUG ON
If Timer LT1 = ON Then FUG OFF

Here is my heating cooling snippet:
If Temp < 77.7 Then HT1 ON
If Temp > 78.3 Then HT1 OFF
If Temp > 80.1 Then FAN ON
If Temp < 79.6 Then FAN OFF

There are lots of other commands, but above is the simplest form of the commands. There also is a default program in the back of the manual that works for a lot of people, just plug the lights into the correct port/socket.

If you are still totally stuck and you are coming to the meeting, bring the controller with you. I have a JR Serial programming cable and we can use the laptop to get it set for you.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
One important question - did you buy this new or was it bought from someone else. If it was bought used, the first thing that you want to do is initialize it back to factory settings. (Check the manual, but the screen command is INIT MEMORY).
Phil needs glasses too (j/k)....he said new. How does the ACIII compare to the RKE? Wondering if those new RK Lites are any good...so cheap for a controller.
If you live near Woodbridge you are welcome to stop by. I have a Jr. on my 75 and an AC3 on the way for my 180.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Or if you are near South Jersey (Paulsboro), you are welcome here and we can do it together.