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AriMiko's 300DD Upgrade

Thank you for the compliments guys. I got the sump done and drilled the side for my reeflo dart pump. I added a 2" bulkhead with a valve and union to the intake of the pump. I came off the top of the pump with a 1 1/2" pipe followed by a union then continued the 1 1/2" pipe to split 2 ways to the returns which are also on a valve. I tee'd off before the valve for the returns and added a manifold of two 1/2" valves and two 3/4" valves. The two 1/2" valves will be used the the carbon and gfo reactors and the two 3/4" valves will be used to feed my uv sterilizer and separate fuge. I have also added some top down shots of the rock. It's hard to get a good pic because I have to try and get high up because of the 3 foot width of the tank.



Staff member
Board of Directors
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Awesome build. Those metal clamps are really close to the sump. You might want to slip those to plastics clamps for the lip esv.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
First time seeing this thread and wow, what a great build! Love everything about this from the background/location of the tank to the stand design to the aquascape. Can't wait to see this thing all filled up and stocked.


Officer Emeritus
Dude, that aquascape is fantastic. Those dd tanks sure give you a ton of room to work with.

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Time for a update and this time it has water

I have had the tank running now for a week and a half and I've been dosing Microbacter7 daily along with 2 raw shrimp in a filter bag. I am past the ammonia part of the cycle and my nitrites are peaking up. The sump is all plumbed in through a reeflo dart pump. My refugium is also plumbed in through a glass holes over flow box and overflowing back into the skimmer area of the sump. I have my skimmer in place but I am not running it yet till after the cycle is complete.

I installed 2 eye hooks to hang my lighting fixture from when the time comes.

The return area with the manifold for carbon, gfo and uv sterilizer. I also added a valve for whenever I need to take water from the tank for either water changes or to fill up a bag or bucket for frag dipping

Skimmer area with the fuge overflowing and the uv sterilizer.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Ari, looks fantastic! I really like the clean look of you sump....nice looking manifold and plumbing. My only suggestion would be to switch out the metal hose clamps and metal pipe clamps with plastic. Both are readily available.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would agree with Paul. All looks clean and organized, but the metal clamps will be a rust issue in a year or so.

Another thing I was thinking about was the extra valve you put in for removing water. I was trying to follow your flow path from the return pump and I was thinking it might have been a better idea to put another valve between that Tee off and the main pipe heading into the manifold. That way, if you really wanted to use it for water changes, you could shut it off completely to everything except that outlet instead of feeding the manifold and whatever comes after it. Otherwise, some of the flow is going to get by the Tee and you won't get as much volume out of the sump for the water change.

Other than that, it all looks very well thought out and I think you will be happy with it.