• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

At the Beach

Well the family and I are at Cape May for a week. Quite lovely here, my two girls have their own personal mule (me) pulling a stylish wagon with every possible need strapped to my back. Now that I think about it, I'm not a mule so much as a Sherpa.

The beach has some amazing macro algae washing up.....so tempting to take some home. Not really sure if I want to as my system is running smoothly. Besides Paul B, anyone ever take some home. I saw a red ulva, green gracillaria type and some others. Love to hear some input.....now to find the liquor store, this Sherpa/mule needs a draught! Lol
Well the family and I are at Cape May for a week. Quite lovely here, my two girls have their own personal mule (me) pulling a stylish wagon with every possible need strapped to my back. Now that I think about it, I'm not a mule so much as a Sherpa.

The beach has some amazing macro algae washing up.....so tempting to take some home. Not really sure if I want to as my system is running smoothly. Besides Paul B, anyone ever take some home. I saw a red ulva, green gracillaria type and some others. Love to hear some input.....now to find the liquor store, this Sherpa/mule needs a draught! Lol

I love Cape May!

i have never put macro from the Atlantic into my reef tanks.
i did have a small 10g saltwater system that I ran with local inhabitants as a teenager, and I put macro from the ocean into that (and used local clams to filter the water). What about setting up a small North Atlantic tank?


Officer Emeritus
I love Cape May!

i have never put macro from the Atlantic into my reef tanks.
i did have a small 10g saltwater system that I ran with local inhabitants as a teenager, and I put macro from the ocean into that (and used local clams to filter the water). What about setting up a small North Atlantic tank?

I did this with a 10 gallon tank with the kids. Each time we went to the beach we brought home something. We have a fine collection on snails, hermits, a mole crab, clam and a killifish. The kids love it.