• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

August 2011 - POTM Announcements


NJRC Member

is here and so is the NEXT POTM...

Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fish or corals,
and the winner will receive a $20.00 gift card!!
Your winning image will be posted on the NJRC HOME PAGE

SO nows the time --- lets start sending in those winning image(s) today ...
last day to submit your image(s) is August 23rd

Please Send your best shot(s) as attachment(s) to : photos@njreefers.org
Please put POTM - USERNAME in the subject

The Official Rules listed here:


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Any chance of an extension this month? With the site being swapped over the V bulletin, and having to change passwords/ posting permission issues I missed it...



NJRC Member
sorry to hear about that...

but i think it would be BEST for the ones that already submit on time (cause they have a very high chance to win...)

please submit early for next month... and in fact no need to wait for the reminder, we automatically saved the past deadline submissions and roll them over to the next month's poll.

good luck! and best regards.