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August 2018 Monthly Meeting

August 2018 Monthly Meeting
Mark_C's Hourse
Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 12:00 PM
Until: Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 05:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
Great meeting, thanks for hosting! Enjoyed spending time and chatting with everyone, meeting p pole for the first time and seeing others I met last time. Floating my new coral-can’t wait to get everything in. Thanks all! Hope to see y’all again soon (maybe next week at acc)!


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
She's still here, seems no one won. I'll trade for a frag.

Thanks to Dangerdave for the zoas and shroom frags, too bad he couldn't be here in person.
Thanks to Hydor for donations to the raffle.
Thanks to all who brought and participated in frag trades and give-aways.
Thanks to all the new members for showing up. Was a pleasure to meet you folks and welcome aboard!
And thanks to everyone for attending, old crew and new crew alike. We hope everyone had as good a time as we did.
Mark & Carla

P.S. GENERIC x4 FRAG WINNERS - Looks like when handing out the generic zoa x4 winners I inadvertently handed out a Jason Fox Fairy Tale zoa. I DO NOT want it back. You're saving me hours of anxiety and indecisiveness on where to place it. My mistake, your win. If it grow big enough to frag, frag me a piece in the future. Congrats on this years mystery prize win! :)
See, even when the party is over there are 4 people staring into their tanks with excitement.
Which leads ups to the second of the post scripts...

P.P.S. Remember kids, never bag closed frags when buzzed ;)

P.P.P.S. It was so busy that never got to the worm demo and handout, so, if anyone still wants them, drop me a PM and we can arrange pickup/mini-demo.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Sorry, it's too late and too far for me to get there to have time to enjoy everything. ;'-( Hope you guys are having lots of fun! :-D Hint: Be sure to fold up your raffle tickets before putting them in the cup. ;-P Hope to see you next time. around!

I declared a rule this meeting if folded disqualified. I won't mention names .
Thanks for having us mountain folk. The home was beautiful, but now my daughter has decided that she is going to plant a similar garden around our house. I’m off to Home Depot tomorrow for a new kitchen light and have a feeling that I’ll be bringing home a few plants.

I hope to be there next year with a bunch of frags to pass around. I’m currently booking a UHaul to bring that tank back to the Poconos next weekend.
Just wanted to say I had a great time at the first meeting I have attended! It was great meeting new people and the Wife and I had a great time! Will definitely try to make another one. @MadReefer Thanks for the Green Nepthea, @myrjon I appreciate the birds nest frags, @Mark_C Thank you to you and Carla for letting us into your wonderful home and for the ATO, @diana a so glad you got it; probably gonna be a little bit big on you lol. Itwas really great talking with everyone and making new friends!

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
So I had one major issue with the meeting yesterday............... It made me miss having a tank setup and now I want to set mine back up but I know I can't. :(

If I win the ACC tank next weekend you can have my 40b, stand, Mars led light and Fluval FX6. I'll meet you half way point...Mark C house:)

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
If I win the ACC tank next weekend you can have my 40b, stand, Mars led light and Fluval FX6. I'll meet you half way point...Mark C house:)
Ha its not that I don't have a tank. In fact I have a 36 bow front and a 54 RR corner sitting in storage. My issue is space as I am at my mom's until I have money for a house, and money as I am trying to get bills paid off so I can get a house lol.

Also I don't know why you think you are going to win the ACC tank cause I am totally winning it

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Ha its not that I don't have a tank. In fact I have a 36 bow front and a 54 RR corner sitting in storage. My issue is space as I am at my mom's until I have money for a house, and money as I am trying to get bills paid off so I can get a house lol.

Also I don't know why you think you are going to win the ACC tank cause I am totally winning it

My bad...sorry I didn't know...just trying to help