• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

August 2023 Meeting Attendance Thread **** Pls respond here only ****


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
We will be hosting the August 2023 NJ Reef Club meeting at our home.

When: August 19th 12 - 5
Where: 5 Eagle Hill Rd. Holmdel

Bring your bathing suits/towels and your appetites - thank you Mark, Carla, family and assorted animals for graciously allowing us into your home for the June meeting.

I will be making ribs and brisket on the smoker and will have the requisite burgers, dogs and chicken. We hope you can make it.

Your hosts,
Nancy and Eric

Please indicate number of attendees and if/what you are bringing. I have been requested to set up a table if people want to bring stuff to sell/trade. Thx and looking forward to seeing everyone (well, not literally *everyone*)

Attendees List
radiata (1)
myrjon (2)
del (2)
mark_c (3 - 4)
MadReefer (1)
ezreefin (1)
subliminal (3)
Bot587 (1)
Erics210 (1)
DiazEd (3)
Anselth (1)
Last edited:


NJRC Member
As I've recently said in another thread --- YES, I'll be there! (That's one attendee - just me.)

Thank you!


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
There is room. Are you bringing anyone else and any food beverage? looking forward to seeing you.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I'll be there with wife and son (2 years).


NJRC Member
Just me, I'll bring some snacks/deserts and frags Unless you want me to bring something special, just let me know.
Old member, just got back in last december. Can I attend to pay my club dues? Would like to also add a son or two.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
You are welcome to come to the meeting but rejoin using the site. How old are your sons? Also post if you will be bringing any food or beverages and welcome back.