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Back in Action after moving

I broke down and sold my old 125 last March in preparation for selling our house. I set up a temporary holding tank at my parents house and did my best to keep it going, but eventually everything went down hill. We moved into our new house in Point Pleasant in July and have been itching to set up another tank ever since. I've been working on finishing the basement and building a 40 breeder into the wall of the utility room and converting that room into a fish room.

Currently the tank is in place and starting to cycle while I fine tune the filtration, and all of the old rock is currently curing in a brute can next to the tank. Hopefully another week and I can start to add the rock into the tank and really get it going.

Stocking thoughts:
- 2 clowns (haven't decided on what kind yet, been interested in the Cinnamon Clowns)
- Watchman Goby
- maybe a few chromis
- and eventually want to get a long nose Hawkfish and a Mandarin

As for corals, the ones that seem to attract me are the simple ones, probably going to do a few different xenia's, some GSP, ZOA's, Clove Polyps, Duncans, toad stools, and then some frog spawn and hammers down the road.

Let me know what you guys think. Happy to be back in the hobby!
Hmmm I think Clarkis are a little aggressive as far as clowns go. However they are extremely hardy. Perhaps if you put them in last.
I picked up these Ceramic Blocks off amazon, 1 has anyone used these before? and 2 I have kept a few of them out of my new tank while its starting to cycle, any chance I can stick them in somebodies sump for a week or so to see them to help my tank cycle faster?


NJRC Member
I picked up these Ceramic Blocks off amazon, 1 has anyone used these before? and 2 I have kept a few of them out of my new tank while its starting to cycle, any chance I can stick them in somebodies sump for a week or so to see them to help my tank cycle faster?

you can just buy bacteria in a bottle and seed it with that.

putting them in someone’s sump is not a good idea. You can get a lot of bad stuff from other people’s tanks.
The tank is finally all set up, well for now, until I decided to re arrange the rock work again. My wife might kill me if I ask her one more time if she thinks it looks good. Have one snow flake clown that my son has named abominable and a single hermit crab that made it through everything from the move. I have no Idea how he's still alive.

The entire basement is still a work in progress, we are going with a little different look than most basements. The top half of the walls will be shiplap and the bottom half will be corrugated metal roofing with a chair rail ledge at the seam. The next step for me is the trim pieces around the tank to give it a more finished look, followed hopefully starting on the metal work next week, if I can get all the electrical run by then. Im going to run 3 new circuits to the utility / fish room, one for the reef tank, one for the turtle pond, and a 3 rd for the freezer, beer fridge and my wife's craft area on the other side of the wall. I am very much looking forward to getting all of this finished so I can just relax and enjoy the tank.


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Unfortunately my clown went over through the overflow last night and got stuck in the filter sock and didn't make it. So I guess on my way home from the meeting on Saturday I'll be making a stop to pick up something new.
Unfortunately my clown went over through the overflow last night and got stuck in the filter sock and didn't make it. So I guess on my way home from the meeting on Saturday I'll be making a stop to pick up something new.
So .... your overflow is piped directly into your Sock?
Mine dumps into a chamber prior to the sock. Could a change be Made to prevent this in the future.?1407B263-7B49-405F-996A-E40AFABBD2F2.jpeg
Welcome back! We are in Point Pleasant too, if you need anything let us know.
Once you are cycles, we have GSP and zoas.