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Back starting over...

so, I moved to lawrenceville about 2 years ago.. Flawless.y moved my nanocube 28 with zero loss.

In a lazy moment, I decided to go to the local shop up the road from my house about 6 months ago for water instead of taking the the journey to all aquatics.. HUGE MISTAKE.. Within a day my entire tank was covered in purple slime cyano.. I mean I usually have seen it spot the sand before and took care of it.. This was total destruction.

All said and done I lost every single beautiful coral I had nothing helped save them.. I lost many inverts, and awesome oddball breeding set of clown, and a all my fun little oddball things that I had accumulated.. The lone survivor was a small piece of tan star polyps that was given to me from a member years back..

I truly felt like throwing in the towel, but I had a bonded pair of gobies, and a blue devil as well as a few hermits still living..

Through months of struggle and persistence I am finally back alive and levels are perfect once again.. This was a well established well stocked tank now it is barren.. Today I added a pair of clowns and a green bubble anemone that are doing well.. I also ordered a ai prime that should arrive Thursday.

I've renewed my membership here determined to rebuild this thing back into the beauty it once was.

Hope to have some of you come take the trip with me.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
welcome coolaide . yea sometimes we get someones bad stuff.. good luck...


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
That is horrible to hear about the water. Glad you hung in there, we will be along for the journey.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Welcome back! Sorry to hear about the troubles. Hopefully things will be better moving forward.


Officer Emeritus
Hang in there. Yeah, hopefully things will be better MOVING forward. (Kevin you gotta fix that auto correct LOL)
Thanks. It was pretty devastating.. I had collected some very hard to find stuff over the years, and to lose it nearly broke my spirit.. The clowns (just basic oci's) and plain Jane bubble tip are all doing great.

I'm thinking about going a different route this time.. I was mainly an lps (euphilia) fan.. But once the light is in and installed I may try my hand at some sps. I think my new rock scape would really compliment it.

I'll post some barren pics once I get the chance.
So, this is the tank just before the crash.... I was very very proud...

Tank as it sits now....

Current stock
yellow tail damsel (survivor)
Mates pair prawn gobies
Target pistol shrimp

Added a cheap set of oci clowns and a plain Jane bubble tip yesterday. All levels are perfect once again as this was a few month battle..

Today I went back and picked up the rose bubble tip as well.. Prime led hanger came today light comes tomorrow. Once that's in I look in the steals and deals section in hopes of trying my hand at a more sps heavy tank.

Her it is as it standsimage.jpegimage.jpeg
pre-mixed water apolypse

Will it ever look like that again? Doubtful... I'm debating on trying my hand at some sps this go. I do like nems though.. So that is possible as well.. We will see.. Slow and steady did me good for 3 years that this nano thrived.. If it fails this time I'm going full angler or mantis shrimp.
Wow, the old tank looked really nice. I love the scolys. If the old tank is any indication of how well you can take care of your tank, then I'm sure this new one will be much better.
Thanks. I put a lot of time and effort into it.

I got my ai prime today and set it up. Now I have to figure out the best settings for it.
So, I'm set up,with what I believe will be my final rock work design.. Have a couple small tester pieces in there to see how it goes. Nothing fancy.. A single polyp Zoa, it has what I think might be some sort of micro brain or scoly on the rock.. It appeared out of nowhere and has gone from a pin dot to a grain of rice.. I noticed a sweeper tentical and now it's showing green colors.. Will be fun to see what it turns into. A red assuming month. Bright red and really cool looking, a cheapo bird nest that I'm not sure was even alive when I got it.. But it's not a white stick yet so it is sitting there.. And something else that was half dead and looks like a tiny green chunk of bird nest but was 90% dead. It has since expanded polyps so we will see.. Beggars can't be choosers.. They where given to me by a close friend..

I've had some personal dealings which have kept me from getting out there to visit some of the people selling corals on here which just wrapped up.. So hopefully I'll get some more stuff as time goes on.

I purchased a replacement skimmer for the tank.. The backpack was cracked and repaired one too many times.. And it never produced dark skim. I first purchased the aquatic life in tank pos... Total junk! Needed to be modded out of the box, then quit working after a couple weeks,..

Went out and got the eshoops hob 70 and wow.... So impressed. It makes coffee black skim and is silent. I wish I would have done that years ago..

The tank looks pretty clean... Test corals seem alive.. We will see.. My ******* tomato clown is still an *******.. My pistol still hates my gobie.. All is well..


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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I know a clown, nicknamed battle****s. One person had him, went homocidal on the tank, the store owner asked the guy to bring him in, he's since had i think three different people take him home and bring him back.
Should add him to my tank... Mine has some,of,the most vivid colors I've ever seen on a tomato clown, but he's a big jerk.. Only free swimming thing able to live with it is a damsel, cause he's a bigger jerk than the tomato. He even killed my Rbt anemone.. Caught him swimming around with it in his mouth.. Wtf..

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry to hear about your loss. I know personally, and all to well, how it feels to have a loss like that.

If you want and when you're ready, I'll have a hammer, frogspawn, and torch frag for you to help get you back in the game.

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