James, If you want to do something real simple you can just use your canister for now. I would keep the bio-load low, like a pair of clowns and some micro fish. No angels. Keep some macro algae in the tank, like dragon breathe and caulerpa. Maybe cover 25% of the tank with macros. 10% bi-weekly WC. You might be able to get away with that. Then later on add a HOB skimmer as needed.
I have some pretty decent rocks if you want, free. Should have enough for your tank.
Good luck with the new build James. Glad to see your getting a tank going if u need any softies I can offer you what I have,if you want to come up this way,or maybe finding a meeting spot half way.
Have you had experience having more that 2 clowns in a tank. Ive always wanted to do a tank of a few different kinds of clowns, but everything I read says to only keep 1 pair unless you have a huge tank, ( Im thinking that 12 foot long tank on here a month or so a go would be able to)?
Only two clowns in that size tank.....assuming they are mated. If you put in four, it would eventually be two anyway. Remember, clowns are damsels...the meanest fish, pound for pound.
Welcome back!!!!!
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