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Better call Saul

So for those of us that watched the Breaking Bad series the spin off better call Saul started last week. What do you guys think so far.


Officer Emeritus
The premier started a little slow for me and I was about to give up. I gave it another shot by watching the second show liked what I saw so I'll be watching. The manipulation of Tuco was the Saul I know from Breaking Bad.
BB set the bar high, I think during the first episode I also was expecting a little more, like for it to pick up where bb left off. But the second one started to clear things up a bit more, looking forward to tomorrow's episode.
I'm liking it so far as well. I don't think you can compare it to Breaking Bad, it's just not fair to do it. I can only think of a handful of show ever that can stand up to BB and most couldn't do it for the life of the show.
I agree that the first show was slow, but the second picked up nicely. It had a lot of the same style as the BB series, so I'll look forward to how it goes at least for the first season.
What did you call my abulita? :D Don't forget his grandpa from BB - the guy who didn't talk and tapped his wheelchair lol.


I didn't see the first episode and saw the second first- and considering he only got 1 leg broken each - that was great!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I actually screamed "Noooooooo!!!!!" when the credits popped up last night. So far it's been great. It has that same Breaking Bad feel to it. I like seeing Mike as a ticket booth attendant. It's not at all where I expected his story to start!
Mike is a great character glad to see he got brought into the series early. I really doubt Hank will be in any episodes. This is probably one of the best lines he had. They're minerals ,not rocks! Jesus Marie
I would like to hear more on the drug-informer Tortuga...(Danny Trejo). More than just his head on a turtle...LOL. Maybe he needs Saul earlier in his career...
Nail biter,been waiting for them to get into mikes story. How bout Sauls brother when are they going to get into his story and "condition"