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Breaking down second tank...stuff for sale: Fish, frags, pump, heater, rocks, tanks, stand, ha...the goods


NJRC Member
So, life happens, might be moving...might be divorcing, might just jump off a cliff...not sure. But at any rate, I'm going down to 1 tank.

Located in Kendall park nj 08540

For sale (now) I have:

1. A very happy/healthy Saddleback clown. He's been in my tank for 3-4 months, no signs of any disease...I'd say he's about as quarantined as you can get...and SUPER personable. Smallish at maybe 1.5 to 2 inch length...guy has got to go first. $20
2. ~30-40 lbs of super live rock. Tons of pods and such. Some algae growth, but no major issues. $75
3. Radion XR15 Pro G4 - $250
4. large flat rock...this is a real centerpiece. Maybe Tongan shelf rock? Definitely old school out of the ocean. Couple frag plug holes in it. $100

For Sale when livestock is gone:

1. Eheim Jager 200w heater (2-3 months old) - $20
2. Sicce 1.5 Pump (2-3 months old) - $45
3. Oceanic 30 gallon cube, no leaks or major scratches (@Mark_C, thinking of you here. hehe) $45
4. 11 gallon single internal overfow acrylic frag tank (8 inch tall)- $100
5. Ocean Revive LED light (from Madreefer, and I think he sold one to another member here...seems to be a good light) - $40
6. Autotopoff.com float switch auto top off DC unit with all the fixings (will even throw in a bucket) - $30
7. 1 month old 3/4 inch thread/thread Spears gate valve (from BRS) - $30
8. Stand, a few powerheads

Also have some frags for sale, as the tanks needed to be consolidated (and now I have some relatively significant overcrowding):

Ready to roll:

1. Hearty little chunk (really a mini colony) of Green Goblic Acro - $40
2. 4 frags of Acropora Horida - $10/each
3. Forest Fire Digi Frag - $20
4. Orange Serosta...I think that's the name. $25
5. WWC Yellowtip (not sure if it is actually yellow tip as the whole thing is yellow, but got from DEL...so take it up with him! ;-)) $25

Needs some time to heal and/or grow (had issues with alk and nutrients in that bottom tank)

1. 3x frags of POTO Side Chick
2. One VERY hearty chunk of Vivid Confetti
3. One tiny chunk of vivid Confetti
4. One tiny chunk of Walt Disney
5.One little nub of PC Rainbow

Make me an offer on anything/everything!

Pics of coral:


Rock pics:


Old picture of the setup (5/11/23):

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NJRC Member
I am sorry to hear this. Take the time and fix what’s going on in your personal life.


NJRC Member
That flat rock is right out of my dreams , sorry to hear about the troubles, I think all run into them and only some make it through, like you said, life goes on which ever side of it you land on. Very cool setup, shame to take it down

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
It's a big bump in the road. Life will get better! Just remember that you aren't alone. Always reach out


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Argh. Sorry man, been there, got the shirt. Rough ride but eventually its smooth roads again.
The 30 may be too small. Whats the footprint?


NJRC Member
I thought we were at your house and you had an oceanic 30 nem tank where the seals were failing. It’s the same tank. Ha