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BRS doser air bubbles

So I've had my dosers up for a couple of weeks and I've noticed a problem. They sometimes get air bubbles in the out tube. This happens to both of them but one more so then the other. Has anyone had this issue and if so how did you resolve it. The only problem I see with it is that over time the parts with end up not being added when needed, causing the lvls to fall out of balance. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
So I've had my dosers up for a couple of weeks and I've noticed a problem. They sometimes get air bubbles in the out tube. This happens to both of them but one more so then the other. Has anyone had this issue and if so how did you resolve it. The only problem I see with it is that over time the parts with end up not being added when needed, causing the lvls to fall out of balance. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

a check valve might help with this.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
When the dosing pump is not running the liquid in the tube may be "falling" back to the reservoir and when the pump comes back on the air that's now in the tube may be getting pulled through the punp
Not possible if the intake is submerged and there isn't a tiny leak in the intake line. No place for the air to come from.
Nope the tube coming from the res is full all the time. It's just the tube from the doser to the tank


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
I'm out of ideas then...lol. Hope you get it figured out
This is a tough one. I would think that any air leaking in would break the suction. That's not happening. The bubbles remain and so does the liquid.
I tested my lvls a few min ago and Alk is fine but my cal came in at 380. Def not getting a full dose in. I gotta figure this out.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Have you tried calling them? They have really good customer support. I would try calling them
I'm gonna give them a shout tomorrow. After taking another look I noticed that it just might be the dosing container as well. The tube in the container is made up of three seperate pieces connected to each other. To many fail point in my mind. I'm gonna fill the container with cal mix and see if it still pulls air if it does not then I can narrow it down to the container. If it still pulls air it is the doser. For what it's worth I'm using vertex containers.
I had the same problem. Is the tube vertical going into the sump or horizontal? In my case it was a little horizontal and tended to leak a little of the liquid out when it was off. When the pump restarted it would just fill the gap so the dose was always correct overall so I left it.

I hope that made sense, it does in my head.