Valid point but..........what happens if you lose your phone or it runs out of charge. Or your in a meeting and you can't look at your e-mails. Are you the guy going down the road at 65mph looking at your tanks parameters? I hope not. But still what happens when that little grey box takes a dump and doesn't notify you? We can play the what if game all day long.No fusion will always be free. Everything is in the cloud now so no one would pay for that service. Everything is made in south east Asia including the phone you have in your hand.
The reason why people use the cor is that when the apex goes down. I get a notification. If my pump isn’t running. I get a notification. So for a lot of people that’s better than a return turn pump that goes bad and you get no notification..
I look at some of the pics of peoples tanks and there all proud of their fancy controllers and all their blinky blinky stuff. They all brag about how they can be alerted when they have a leak or their PH jumps from 8.1 to 8.2. Then I look at rats nest of shody wiring directly under the sump and think the local fire marshall would put a cease occupancy on their home because of the fire hazard. Most people are clueless what fire hazards they have under their tanks. Especially the diy algae scrubbers! But I guess they will get an Apex alert when their house is burning to the ground.
As far as this illustrious cloud......... What happens when the cloud and WiFi is taken out? Over the last 14 months we have seen what lengths a certain country is willing to do if you don't play by their rules. What happens when not if someone out how to take the cloud down? You think it can't happen? Then you have nothing that works. I wouldn't trust anything running with little micro processors. Hell we bought a brand new Sony 48" tv last year and we have had it replaced 3 times now because the mother boards keep burning out.
For this reason I am running a Cor20 with a brand new one sitting on my shelf as a back up. Not only that I have my sump plumbed so i can hook up my bullet proof Iwaki in 5 minutes. It only has3 moving parts
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against new technology, I'm just saying I think we are becomming a society to reliant on automation and at some point it's going to bite us all in the ass. HARD!