have u tried stopping and starting the flow suddenly, it seems to break the clumps up. thy that a couple times see if u have any luck
I did have twice the amount of pellets in the reactor. I think you might have some success using the plastic canvas on the one side that is getting all the pressure. I have some if you want to try it.
i wouldn't, they should be tumbling in uniform when they clump on one side, which they will. will lead to gasses being released into your tank.
customer service
Jim - what do you mean by the "plastic canvas"?
That looks a lot better.
Can you tune the skimmer for a drier skim mate?
Glad to hear - I was so happy to get it looking the way I wanted I hadn't given any thought to the pace or rate of tumble. It seems to be as it was described - fast enough so that everything is in motion, slow enough that the bacteria can populate.
this is sort of why I was chasing the idea of a "better" skimmer. if I dial it back, it does nothing - a dark skimmate collects on the inside of the collection cup neck but nothing makes it over into the cup. When I clean it, I have to wipe it off - it's very thick and sticky but I rarely get anything substantial in the cup. I had it dialed to the point where it was collecting but I had maybe 3 millimeters of skimmate collected over 48 or so hours. I didn't touch anything last night and what you see in the pic is what collected overnight so my guess - the reactor did something to excite the skimmer but it's not really what I'd expect. and as far as adjustment well it was low enough that I got barely anything in 2 days and I'd think if I turned it down more, it would just shut off. maybe I need to tweak the height. maybe a half inch lower will allow what's collecting on the neck to make it over into the cup...
How much water is the skimmer sitting in? I thing the BM's suggest 9" to 11".
I'll bet that some of the slots in the insert were not fully opened.
You might want a little more flow in the reactor or keep an eye on it and watch for signs of clumping. I had slow tumble like that and wound up with the solid mass of biopellets in my one reactor.