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Bubble Anemone Behavior After Water Change

Did a water change today, about 14% of total volume. I made sure the salinity and temp were extremely close. My anemone has pulled itself completely in. Is this normal? I hope it isn't on its way out and its just not happy with the change. Any experiences like this...


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
We have had our RBTA since July of 2010 and it does this quite often (I want to say almost every time) and always comes right back out. If the params are pretty exact you don't have to worry. I would be concerned if it stayed closed for a long amount of time or moved, then something is probably stressing it.
How long have you had the anemone? How long has the tank been set up? My anemones have done that a lot and they always come back out. Wait till it splits, that is a strange site to see.


NJRC Member
Mine do that every time I feed them and randomly at water changes. One of them did something tonight where it shrank itself to about 1/4 size - not sucked in, but all of it was smaller. Oh and they were an it only about 2 months ago. They look like they're close to splitting again. 1 of the 2 looks like it's closer. I think it already has 2 mouths. The guy I got it from had about 12 in a 180 and they started as 1 and multiplied. I can't have 12 in my 90 - so yes they do strange things
This morning its all perky again looking normal. Glad it isn't just me. Its funny my wife wanted one to see if the clownfish would go into it, and they completely ignore the thing.