• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Bug ID?


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Ordered a small order of pods through e-bay from 'floridapets'.
Packed well (paper over the plastic, thermal bag, styrofoam lining, outer box).
With the cold, delayed delivery, and, unfortunately, no heat pack in the packaging, things didn't fare well.

Floated the pack for 2 hours and I did see some life and thought it was a large pod or two.
It wasn't, and I have no idea what it is.
Looks like a small beetle, 6-8 legs, 2 antennas, moves fast.

I don't think this reflects on the seller, but the shipping time and the recent cold obviously had consequences.
Contacted seller, will update on the situation as it progresses.
Hopefully it works out well as these seem to be, or to have been, a great assortment of large and medium pods.

Meanwhile, any idea?

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Well, talked to Floridapets. It's an isopod.
Never saw one this big (but, then again the amphipods were quite large).
I put it in the tank by picking it up between my thumb and fore finger while it was wriggling.

Also, Floridapets is very communicative and friendly, and are shipping out a new bag this week.
Looks like it's gonna be my new pod place.


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So, FloridaPets reshipped the pods this week to replace the ones that froze in transit.
They packed the small bag with a massive heat pack.
Bag came out of shipping box at 100+ degrees.
I've gone from frozen and dead to boiled and dead.
Waiting on their response.
