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Build a Diatom Filter for under $100.00

Paul B

NJRC Member
MadReefer. That cap is only for the prototype but I will replace it with plastic or rubber as as soon as I go to Home Depot. It is just a "cup" that holds the canister to the base and there are 4 stainless steel sheet metal screws in it to hold it in.

A member on another forum (I am not sure if I can put his name here) suggested that I start it like this and I am totally grateful for the idea because it is much easier than how I normally use diatoms. Especially this new model. This is how we did it in the 60s but I totally forgot about it. At my age I forget a lot of things.

I stirred up the gravel in my tank and noticing how fast it clears the water completely.

You just hang a container inside the tank with the top above the water and fill it with tank water.
Fill the filter by putting it on the floor and using a funnel pour tank water into the inlet hose. It doesn't fill completely for some reason if you just siphon the water into it but it will fill most of the way. Fill it completely as to much air and it won't start.

Run it in that container in your tank and add some diatom powder, maybe a cup or a little less. When the water in that container gets clear, remove the container while keeping the hoses in your tank.

So far the filter is working perfectly and is getting filled with detritus while cleaning my tank.
1st try in tank.JPG

trying in tank.JPG

Now I just need to build a square container that will hang in my tank just above the water as that pitcher I am using in the picture is very unweildly and could easily turn over in the tank spilling powder out in my tank.

Now I just need to replace that metal "Cup" under the canister because it will rust badly and change the melimne shelving material I used as a base and I will call this project completed. :D

Paul B

NJRC Member
I just turned off the filter and removed it. The water is so clear that I didn't think the pumps were on. I love diatom filters. :)
Hi Paul, Glad to see you have worked out a diatom filter replacement. Mine is still working, but it's getting temperamental and a pain to use. I plan to replace it using an Ocean Clean canister filter with a similar cartridge, and an Iwaki pump I already have. I've not done it yet because, well, the diatome still works, for now at least. I'm not sure how well the cartridge will work with diatom pawder, and after reading your posts, I can see that I might have similar issues as you did with the original cartridge.

Have you tried running this new filter with out the diatom powder? It might be that the cartridge alone might give decent results, although likely not quite as good. but with out the mess of using the diatom powder.

Years ago, I used PEP cartridge filters on my tank, along with reverse flow under gravel filters (yes really). when it came time to muck out the tank, I could connect a siphon tube to the filter intake and vacuum out the tank. Then do a change of the filter cartridge, and I was good to go. I'd keep a rotation of about 3 cartridges so I always had a clean one. The cartridges can be easily cleaned over night in bleach and then a couple of days soak in FW and the were almost like new.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Good Morning Dave. Amazon has the cartridges for a little more than two bucks each if you buy like 30 of them. I am sure the one micron cartridge would work as well as using the powder for most cases. I know on these forums many people worry about parasites and the one micron filter should remove them especially if you are selling fish or quarantining them. This would help greatly with that and like I said, less than $100.00. I will see if I can figure out exactly how much it cost but if you have all the pieces in front of you I am sure most people could build it in under an hour with a screwdriver for the clamps and maybe a drill but even that is probably not needed.

It's a simple project and you can figure it out just from the picture. Well,,,Most of us can. :eek2:


Staff member
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NJRC Member
I have me one of those vintage Vortex versions sitting in my graveyard.
Keep looking for an application for it.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Good Morning Dave. Amazon has the cartridges for a little more than two bucks each if you buy like 30 of them. I am sure the one micron cartridge would work as well as using the powder for most cases. I know on these forums many people worry about parasites and the one micron filter should remove them especially if you are selling fish or quarantining them. This would help greatly with that and like I said, less than $100.00. I will see if I can figure out exactly how much it cost but if you have all the pieces in front of you I am sure most people could build it in under an hour with a screwdriver for the clamps and maybe a drill but even that is probably not needed.

It's a simple project and you can figure it out just from the picture. Well,,,Most of us can. :eek2:
Sadly, I am not in the latter of that group.


Officer Emeritus
The hardest part of the old vortex filters is finding the filter element. You have to rebuild them when they fail. Its a proprietary design. I'm still trying to figure out how you retrofitted that pump the the filter head.

That's a lot of scissors Paul, I'm counting atleast 9

Paul B

NJRC Member
That's a lot of scissors Paul, I'm counting atleast 9
I know, that picture was my last house and I don't know why I had so many. I know the two smaller ones were part of my electrician tools and one or two look like antiques. The rest are anybody's guess. Here in my workshop now I have 3 of them. :)

Paul B

NJRC Member
I may build another one of these diatom filters but half the size that uses one micron filter element with no powder. The smaller pump is almost the same price and pumps 250GPH instead of 500GPH. I already have the half size filter housing and am looking for something to build but it will still cost me almost one hundred bucks to build.

But it's a fun project. :)

Paul B

NJRC Member
OK the thing is finished

Finished Diatom filter.JPG

This is the base of the pump and the 4" PVC Pipe end cap screwed to the plastic board. These plastic boards are from Home Depot and it's 1 X 6 used for outdoor moldings.
Mounting on Diatom filter.JPG

I tapped the end cap for 1/4" X 20 screws to keep the filter housing in sturdy. If you can't do that or if your name is Humble you can live without it but the housing will be loose. I will put in 4- 1/4 X 20 X 3/4" nylon thumb screws just to hold it but not to tight as I don't want to crack the thing
Tapping Cup.JPG

I will change those stainless screws to nylon when I get them. I used brass screws to secure the end cap to the plastic board because I had them. You can use stainless steel screws. #8 X 1/2" pan or round head screws.

I replaced the clear tubing with PVC pipe because now you can just unscrew the 1/2" union and unscrew the top of the filter housing to replace the cartridge or clean it. Simple.

You should be able to see the plumbing parts I used from the finished picture but if not, let me know what you want to know

Building Diatom showing Cap.JPG


NJRC Member
Will one of these BRS reactors work after replacing the cartridge?



Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Thanks for posting that Joe. I have a few as well and wondering the same.


Officer Emeritus
Will one of these BRS reactors work after replacing the cartridge?

Yes that's what I've been using

Paul B

NJRC Member
What he said......I would imagine. But that housing is $55.00 for just the housing. The housing I used is only $23.00

Paul B

NJRC Member
I am building another one half the size just for fun and it will run with the 0ne micron filter cartridge. I am curious to see how well it works. :)

Paul B

NJRC Member
I just ordered parts for a half size diatom filter but this one has a one micron cartridge and it doesn't work with powder. It should work perfect for people concerned about parasites (I am not). I can't find a one micron pleated cartridge to use with powder. I want to see how this one works and how easy it is to clean. The cartridges are only five bucks so even if I can't clean it, it is still cheap enough to change the cartridges occasionally.

Hopefully next week I will be able to build the thing and test it.

It will cost me about $115.00 in parts because I am using a good pump. :)