• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Buyer beware!!!!!!!

I was partially to blame, I should have covered the bucket better and could have put the bucket in a safer place, but the fish was acting batty at the store. I could have said no to buying the fish... The employe of Trop told me it would settle down. My problem with the situation was not that I didn't get a credit. I wasn't looking for a credit. My problem was I was told "No Credit" with arrogance!! Offered no other options.... And the subject of the conversation was changed..... It infuriated me.

I have a friend that has been banned from there because if a clown fish. He went in there one time and bought several different things. One of which was a 25 clown fish. The girl rung it up as 2.50 instead of 25. But the sale was like 125 bucks with everything so they(both parties) didn't catch it... They caught it after he left and told him about it a few weeks later when he returned. He then paid it that day, but it was never cleared up in the computer somehow, so the next time he came in they locked him out of the computer. He explained he paid the difference but was met with a huge attitude and told he was locked out until he paid. With arrogance!! He left and stated he paid.. He has never returned there and spent a dollar in the store. I have other friends that have had awful experiences there.

I love Tropaquruim!! I always have!! The store, not the management and help!! Thier arrogance will be their demise!! Especially with a player across the street now...
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Darren you spent more time with me in the hour and change in your store then Trop spent with me in 19 years of being customer. I feel I am lucky now because I know where there are good stores outside of Trop. You, AO, Red Sand are all stores that I would much rather deal with to be honest. I am sorry that I feel that way, the store is wonderful the people, not so much. NJRC is a great resource for that reason. I always hope that it can be a good bridge for LFS and members. But Trop doesn't give a crap about NJCR or most of it's customers.
Over the past 2 years or so I have spent some money at Trop as well, good and bad experiences. Reality is I go there to get things I must have, dry goods, and clean up crew. Otherwise Elos, CC, AO, etc are just better experiences where I feel my money goes to help the hobby not to someone who just looks at me like cattle moving through the store (and that isn't a fat joke).


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Darren you spent more time with me in the hour and change in your store then Trop spent with me in 19 years of being customer. I feel I am lucky now because I know where there are good stores outside of Trop. You, AO, Red Sand are all stores that I would much rather deal with to be honest. I am sorry that I feel that way, the store is wonderful the people, not so much. NJRC is a great resource for that reason. I always hope that it can be a good bridge for LFS and members. But Trop doesn't give a crap about NJCR or most of it's customers.
I have only shopped at Trop once because I was in the area (we had a beach cleanup and a few of us stopped in afterwards), otherwise, this store is just too far from me to be a regular customer. So, I don't have a good sample size to agree or disagree with the "typical behavior" some of you are describing. All I know is that my one-time experiece was very positive. I was looking at a box fish and was tempted to buy it because they are just super cool fish (IMO). However, the sales person asked me about what kind of tank I had and my other inhabitants and after that he said it probably wasn't a good idea. Box fish tend to be fragile and need a more serene environment like a sea-horse tank. So, instead, he suggested that I get an anemone for my pair of clowns. He showed me a large sebae anemone, grayish-white with nice purple tips. I loved it, and the price was only $40! Two years later, it's even larger and a major eye-catcher when you look at my tank.

Also, I have to disagree with you on that last point James. When we were setting up for our frag swap, our usual water supplier/sponsor (Allquatics) was running late and unsure if they were going to be able to provide us with enough saltwater for our vendors. We put in a call to Trop and they donated over 200 gallons... which was enough to get us going until the water from Allquatics arrived. They didn't have to do that, and they got nothing in return for it except a thank you.

I believe that shows that they care about NJRC. I for one appreciated that because without their help, it could have been a disaster.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have only shopped at Trop once because I was in the area (we had a beach cleanup and a few of us stopped in afterwards), otherwise, this store is just too far from me to be a regular customer. So, I don't have a good sample size to agree or disagree with the "typical behavior" some of you are describing. All I know is that my one-time experiece was very positive. I was looking at a box fish and was tempted to buy it because they are just super cool fish (IMO). However, the sales person asked me about what kind of tank I had and my other inhabitants and after that he said it probably wasn't a good idea. Box fish tend to be fragile and need a more serene environment like a sea-horse tank. So, instead, he suggested that I get an anemone for my pair of clowns. He showed me a large sebae anemone, grayish-white with nice purple tips. I loved it, and the price was only $40! Two years later, it's even larger and a major eye-catcher when you look at my tank.

Also, I have to disagree with you on that last point James. When we were setting up for our frag swap, our usual water supplier/sponsor (Allquatics) was running late and unsure if they were going to be able to provide us with enough saltwater for our vendors. We put in a call to Trop and they donated over 200 gallons... which was enough to get us going until the water from Allquatics arrived. They didn't have to do that, and they got nothing in return for it except a thank you.

I believe that shows that they care about NJRC. I for one appreciated that because without their help, it could have been a disaster.

Plus 1


NJRC Member
That's great that you had a positive experience guys but like you said George you have been there only once, I'm sure they knew who you guys were so I'm sure they were better. Go there again and again and I'm sure your opinion will change, or maybe it won't. Mike and Nikki go there and love it so you never know. Like I have said I am just posting my experiences there over the years I have been going there.
It's great that they helped out at the swap but unfortunately that doesn't make up for there terrible customer treatment and that's why I started this post..


Officer Emeritus
I think everyone who wanted to make their opinions known have done so. I think we beat this dead horse enough DeadHorse, no ones opinion here will change another's. I am sure there are members who feel they received stellar customer service and it is probably true. Sometimes things aren't always as they are perceived. Anyone who feels they are being mistreated by a retailer just needs to make a statement with their wallets.

Hockeynut I understand this is something you are passionate about but sometimes you need to let things go. I think you got your pound of flesh.

Peace :D


Officer Emeritus
Wow I thought it was just me. I've been to the store a number of times with money burning a hole in my pocket and walked out without spending a dime, thanks to being ignored while the store was empty. I can't blame the cashiers but the sales staff isn't as attentive as ACC who is across the road.

I'd like to comment that during my last trip there it was a complete 180 degree turn around in the the service I both saw & received from the staff. Kudos to the management and staff.
I have been purchasing reef supplies and live stock from Trop for at least six years. They have always said hello to me, worked with me, been polite, and have provided excellent customer service. I love Trop. No complaints here....and I highly recommend them.
Just read this thread over. I have gone to trop for the last few years. No issues. Though with Austin gone that beautiful acro tank up front looks bad....
Went there looking to buy a fairly large tank and trimmings and asked for some printed info on their different tanks and basically got blown off. I realize they get lots of tire kickers, but can you really do this in business these days. That one move probably cost them thousands...I have to go to the one across the street, they sound like a nice store to deal.
I don't think stores get sent that printed info any more. Used to be that they had loads of lit so the store could pimp their wares. Think it has fallen by the wayside... Not to say I know anything about this store, been in their store or know anything about how they do business. Just saying distributors might not be hooking them up with that sort of stuff :)
Aquarium Care Center across the street can actually build you a tank if you want to go that route? Buying from Tropaqurium has zero service after sale. I regret buying over 15,000 dollars worth of gear there over the years... They stock old crappy inventory that looks like close out... They also don't stock current technology...
They operate like the store belongs in the 80's...

Good luck...


Officer Emeritus
Aquarium Care Center across the street can actually build you a tank if you want to go that route? Buying from Tropaqurium has zero service after sale. I regret buying over 15,000 dollars worth of gear there over the years... They stock old crappy inventory that looks like close out... They also don't stock current technology...
They operate like the store belongs in the 80's...

Good luck...

let me get this straight, it took you $15000 in purchases over the years to realize you didn't like the store? Or are you still grinding the ax about mishandling a fish that looked questionable when you bought it against your better judgement and expected them to help you out? You're a pretty tolerant, after the first buck spent on a bad product or service I would have been shopping somewhere else. :p


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
My apologies. Was not trying to stir the pot.
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Or he could have soured on the store...I don't see anything new or useful. Let's just agree to disagree this is a polarizing store.
(did I spell that right?) If you have spoken your piece as I have just let it go.
Mark[INDENT said:
Went there looking to buy a fairly large tank and trimmings and asked for some printed info on their different tanks and basically got blown off. I realize they get lots of tire kickers, but can you really do this in business these days. That one move probably cost them thousands...I have to go to the one across the street, they sound like a nice store to deal.

I don't think stores get sent that printed info any more. Used to be that they had loads of lit so the store could pimp their wares. Think it has fallen by the wayside... Not to say I know anything about this store, been in their store or know anything about how they do business. Just saying distributors might not be hooking them up with that sort of stuff :)

We get asked about literature fairly often, but unfortunately Marineland, Aqueon and Deep Blue have not provided any in years. If you are looking for literature:



Having been in the hobby for 10 years and now recently employed at a LFS I can relate to this on on both ends. First off in response to this statement LFS do not got credit in any way for a fish that is dead, even if it dies the same day it arrives.

Quite frankly I am shocked at the complaints in this thread directed towards TROP, from the OP and several others in this thread. Most of these complaints are for petty issues IMO. For some reason many people in this hobby cannot wait post on the forums about a complaint, but rarely post about a good experience at a store, and its a real shame that this takes place. I can assure you that maintaing a store of TROP's caliber or ours for the matter is a massive undertaking and one that you will never be able to relate to until you work at a store. Just imagine trying to maintain your own tank and multiply it by 100, as that is how much work is involved.

I find TROP to be one of the best stores in the state for selection and quality of fish and dry goods. The biggest complaint I always hear from people in NJ is that all their LFS basically "suck". Well here is an example of one of the best there is and everybody is bashing it. When all the LFS in the state close down and you are stuck getting pulsing xenia and kenya trees from each other dont complain that there arent any good LFS to choose from. I always go out of my way to support a LFS, even if it means purchasing something for a few bucks more than I can get it online, but that is just me and I am sure many will disagree with me. Well thats my 2 cents about this thread that I think is people crying over spilled milk, and its over a store that is a competitor to mine.


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