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Can't get rid of brown sand

Andy Aquariums

NJRC Member
I can't get rid of a brown dusting that appears on my sand within a day of cleaning it. Po4 and No3 are a little on the high side (.16 and 19.9), but they have been from the beginning and this issue hasn't been a problem before. I also am running a UV 24/7. I'm running some GFO but that doesn't seem to have brought the PO4 down by much. Any tips other than continuing to try to lower those numbers (what else can I do to lower nitrate anyway)?

How old is your tank? What’s your parameters? I dose DIY NOPox which lowered my nitrates from 75 to 2ppm over a 12 week period. You have to take it slow if you choose that route. Other options are macro algae to soak up the nitrates and less feeding.


NJRC Member
GFO is not magic. But it does work be careful with it but keep using it.
GFO will get rid of it with time. You need to change what’s causing it.
maybe your feeding too much. With time it will clear on its own.

how old is the tank ?
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NJRC Member
It's all kind of patience, but it could be a silicate issue, not necessarily PO4. What GFO are you running? I run Rowaphos and change it out every 30 days keeping a steady 0.05 with NO3 averaging 9.5 (hanna). The thing about Rowaphos is that it's also great for removing silicates. So if your RO water isnt amazing, run this stuff and give it a week. I think Seachem makes a good product too, i just forgot the name. Also, not a bad idea to bump up the flow or move your powerhead slightly down so it captures the sand bed a little closer.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
You can try a tiger tail sea cucumber. I have 3 in my tank. Bought 1 when I had the 90g and never saw it so picked up a second. During the switch to the 80g I realized the 1st was still alive so ended with two. Few months ago I see them in different parts of the tank and counted 3. So not sure if they mated or reproduced asexually.


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NJRC Member
Get a frigging pistol shrimp. They'll move the entirety of your sand from one end of the tank to the other daily, burying anything they can mange to cover in the process.
I just bought one after suppressing the memories of my previous one from many years back.
As a bonus, the 'I'm angry' gunshot clicking noise goes over well at 3am.
I'm an idiot.