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Chalice show off thread


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Haha! I want to frag it, but I don't have the guts- or a bandsaw. Thought about using a razor blade and a hammer. That grew from this. 1/2" frag to almost 3" across.

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How long did it take to get that large?


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
How does anyone have anything near their chalices?
I have 2 pieces of Hollywood Stunner that killed a nice Jason Fox Purple Candle Acro and stung my brand new Acans the night I brought them home for AIO.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
How does anyone have anything near their chalices?
I have 2 pieces of Hollywood Stunner that killed a nice Jason Fox Purple Candle Acro and stung my brand new Acans the night I brought them home for AIO.

not going to say all chalices are the same but some have notoriously long sweepers. it's good to take a blue/purple led flashlight at night and just observe them to see how far some of their sweepers can reach.


SPS Grow Out Winner
do it! put me on a list for a booger sized frag of your chalice. lol

will do:) hopefully i don't kill it fraggin it!!

How long did it take to get that large?

about 14 months.

How does anyone have anything near their chalices?
I have 2 pieces of Hollywood Stunner that killed a nice Jason Fox Purple Candle Acro and stung my brand new Acans the night I brought them home for AIO.

i had a 6x6 hollywood stunner colony i gave away for free because i had no place for it because it's stingers were over 2 inches. i have a smaller piece in my one tank and it's sandwiched between a 25 head acan colony and a nice favia colony. the acan and favia are winning the battle!!!


NJRC Member
i know you guys gonna bash me for this but why do people freak out over chalices so much is it just about the color? i mean usually its just a blob on a frag haha


SPS Grow Out Winner
i know you guys gonna bash me for this but why do people freak out over chalices so much is it just about the color? i mean usually its just a blob on a frag haha
for me, it's the coloration. you can get some really nice colors, especially as they start to grow into each other. i cut this frag off my colony because i thought the colors would look cool as they grow in. this frag is on a 1.5" plug. this has 5 colors - red, yellow, green blue and purple and the rim is yellow, red and green. i think it's going to be pretty sick looking when it gets bigger.


NJRC Member
for me, it's the coloration. you can get some really nice colors, especially as they start to grow into each other. i cut this frag off my colony because i thought the colors would look cool as they grow in. this frag is on a 1.5" plug. this has 5 colors - red, yellow, green blue and purple and the rim is yellow, red and green. i think it's going to be pretty sick looking when it gets bigger.
yah i figured they go after the colors looks really