NJRC Member
Been at a loss for words lately as I've been trying to figure out whats up with my 57 Gal Deep Blue with 2 Prime HDs. I am able to keep torches, plates, elegances, rics, mushrooms, 3 bubble tips, and various other livestock doing great and growing but for some reason acans, chalices, leptastrea, war coral, and favia never make it. I have other tanks so I move them into my Biocube 32 with stock hood and they all seem to come back but in the big tank they fade and fade pretty fast. New frags last a day or two before receding and me having to pull them. Tested everything myself as well as went to have it tested at a local store and all levels are great besides my alk and mag being a tiny bit low(minimal if anything). Anyone ever experience anything like this? I turned my lighting down to max out at 80%(was at 100 before) so hoping that will change something but was just wondering if anyone has come across a similar issue. All inverts are good and have even tested for cooper with negative results.