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cleaning up rock rubble in refugium

Will I disturb vital bacteria if I remove the rock rubble from the back of my tanks refugium to clean up and put back? Im scared to do it thinking it might do some serious damage. Is this alright? Has anyone done this before?


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
How long has it been established? Can you take the fuge offline completely when you do the change? What is the total water volume you are working with?
It has been up fora year now. Im working with 20 gal. It has a built in refugium. I want to remove the rock to siphon out debris under it.
Put the rock in a bucket with some tank water. I usually take a couple of 5 gal. buckets when I do a water change, fill them half full, and use it to rinse off the rock, and replace it when I'm finished cleaning the fuge.


NJRC Member
Just like Jim said, siphon out some tank water into a bucket and place the rubble in until you're done cleaning. Then place it back.