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Cooking steaks


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Per meeting discussion I mentioned that I’d post how I cook steak.

So. First I snag a steak or two. These were on sale at S&S dirt cheap. Usually I go for well marbled prime cut (or at least choice).

Then pull them out of packaging, drop them on a rack, and salt the heck out of them, both sides.

Drop them, uncovered, on the top shelf of fridge near the exhaust fan.

Leave em there for at least 24 hours (I usually do 48 or 72). The salt draw in the surface moisture and acts as an antibacterial.

These were pulled tonight after 3 days of ‘dry brining’…

To cook, I use. sous vide. If cooking steak, this can make the crappiest Walmart steak taste like a restaurant steak, and its fool proof. I run mine at 129F for 90-120 mins.

Pull from sous vide and rest for 5 minutes.

Drop in a highly heated pan, cast iron of possible, for 2 mins per side.

Remove and rest 10 minutes and viola, perfect steak every time.


Vice President
Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Two of my friends use sous vide also and it's been tempting me to want to get one. I love me my steaks !!


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