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Coral identification

Hey guys I was wondering if any of you know a good resource for coral identification,
I suppose there are others out there like me that go to are favorite coral vendor and look at tanks of frags and can only identify common or iconic corals based on there looks or maybe and separate the LPS SPS softies Euphyllia (probably screwed the spelling) and .NPS but truthfully when it comes to things other then that I feel I am staring at a tank pointing at pretty colors and asking what is that and how much is this.

Is there some resource out there that can help me learn some more I am thinking on a basis of names like this is a lobo this is a acan this is a lepto or a favia ECT...
I want to learn but havent found many good returns on the Google box


NJRC Member
Zoas Grow Out Winner
Zoaid.com is very useful for figuring out hobby names for different color patters, maybe not as much for general groups but I think you should check it out regardless.

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Practice Practice Practice. That's the best way you're going to do it. Whenever you're in stores just ask about all the ones you're unsure of... Also search forums for pictures of corals and PRACTICE

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
The way I do it is by visiting sites like world wide corals, austin aqua farms and tidal gardens. I learn names and some care info


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Finding the names for corals can be tricky as some folks tend to put thier own spun or hobby name on them. Alot of the time, what would appear to be 4 different species will in fact be the same. You'd need to probably just stick to using its genus

Some of it can also be opinion based too, like for example with zoas and clams. Too many colors or too many dots can be seen as a different variety.

Between the different sites, youtube, and expert opinions, it's a mixed bag of info.

I myself am not 100% familiar with all the coral names.
I am talking a genus not like designer names like hot pink explosion .. Just like genus type names like this is a lobo this is a favia or a lepto something to help me know what type of coral I am looking at


NJRC Member
I have a book you can have I forgot about the name. Otherwise Bourneman and Sprung’s books are the systemic descriptions with a wealth of information.

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