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coral morphologic on Vice documentary

Hey guys I found this pretty neat documentary on coral from Mami. Thought it was something that we should all take a look at. Its 2 videos on YouTube and a lil reading. Its about how Miami was once under water and how if the tides keep rising It could be under again and be one of best artificial reefs. Also has some commentary from Julian Sprung(spelling?)
First is link to the creater project that is doing the documentary with comments and youtube vids. And im also adding the YouTube links separately.
Post denied. New posts are limited by number of URLs it may contain and checked if it doesn't contain forbidden words.

keep trying to add the links to the YouTube videos and am getting this error. Any help please. I know how to do it. This is my 3rd forum im posting this to.


NJRC Member
Sorry I miss remembered Colin speaking. He was a vender at our Macna. I feel like Brian Williams. I still feel like he would be a good speaker.