Jon Swanson here from the E.O. Smith High School Coral Project here.
I wanted to reach out to my NJ area reefing brothers and sisters to extend an invite to you all to come out to the 7th annual Frag Farmer's Market in Storrs CT on March 8th 2014. An offshoot of the coral aquaculture project I work on with students at the high school I teach at (, the FFM has grown into one of the biggest "swaps" in the Northeast, bringing together some of biggest names (Jason Fox, Hiller, Pacific East, etc..) alongside a ton a of hobbyists who sell off their own homegrown frags. If you have a chance, it is worth the ride up, please come up and check it out.
I am also looking for more hobbyists (and shops) to set up at the FFM. The whole idea behind the event has always been to give the little guy a low cost-low stress "show" venue to be able to sell their corals at and make a few $. My thinking being that if the hobbyist has the chance to make a few $ fragging, they are more likely to grow, frag, and distribute aquacultured corals. Anyway, if anyone is interested in coming out to sell, or know someone who might be, shoot me a PM and I can give you details on set-up and such. Last year we had over 500 people come out and almost 40 "vendors" and it keeps growing every year!
I'll post updates as things continue to come together.
Let me know if you have questions!
-Jon Swanson