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Cuttlefish displaying at Jenkinson's Aquarium.

I have seen the cuttlefish often at Jenkinson's Aquarium in Point Pleasant. They are usually hiding in the sand and are colored like the sand. Today, two were displaying the light and dark spots rippling along their bodies.
Unfortunately, the upstairs shallow coral tank now appears to be set up for the new sloth. The tank with the orange frog fish is also now closed.
I feel like they're losing a lot of the reef based tanks.. I wonder if any of their staff even know how to maintain a tank
The intent of the post was to let members know of a unique opportunity to see the displaying cuttlefish, not to bash Jenkinson's.
The original reef tank was not in a good location as far as maintenance. It had some great specimens and was my favorite; everyone else looked at it for a few seconds and moved on. I studied it. The shallow reef tank leaked, if I recalled right, and they lost many reef fish due to a disease. Since you just couldn't see the fish looking down, it wasn't the solution as a replacement. My conversations with staff suggests they want to have a new reef tank, but haven't decided on a replacement (Or maybe started on it yet). They also have been switching up on the displays which is important for a small aquarium. They added a yellow tang tank, the have an LPS tank (hammer), the have a softie tank with a huge chunk of SPS in it. They have the spectacular anemone tank, and they have the large reef fish tank. In a way, they have replaced the large one with several smaller displays because one tank can not do all.
I think they do a great job for an aquarium that doesn't receive pubic funding (That I know of). I wish they had more reef tanks, but that is just my preference. And they have to rely on volunteers to guide tours. But if you think about it, they have mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and invertebrates to take care of. I think it is hard for everyone to be experts at everything. They do keep a lot of animals downstairs when they are not on exhibit, which you can see in the offseason when they hold behind the scenes tours. They held one just for our club. They participate in bird counts, oyster replenishment, turtle programs just to mention ones I know about or have seen signs. I understand that they are clubs that hold there meeting there.
I try to support them as often as I can, and usually post things I see different when I go there. I struggle to keep my one tank in good condition, let alone many different types in perfect order everyday.
Not bashing jenks? I'm throwing my two cents in there in regards to the aquarium. I grew up going here as I'm sure many of us all did.

I was actually just here a week ago or so, I know what they're all about and what they do. You just see them doing everything but a reef tank is all.

As an aquarium I just find it strange. I'll delete my post if it offended you that much, I personally didn't have an opportunity to see the cuttle when I was there because like you said, they're usually camouflaged.