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Dan's 90G Reef

Sorry to hear this Dan. I agree with Dan though might be time to go back to manual. I'll be honest when I went to the dosers I lost a lot of acros. Coincidence, idk. But it happened right after u started the dosers. Prior to that I was dosing manually morning and night and during that time I had the best control I ever had on the tank.


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Just tested my tank too, not sure when but my doser turned off, not sure if it was bc of a power loss or what so my alk dropped again... I mind as well say bye to all of my SPS if this keeps happening

Don't mean to beat a dead horse. But I think this is a perfect example of why you need a controller with this type of equipment IMHO. I check my dosers everyday through my ph ( alk will drive it up temporarily when it passes the ph probe). Before I knew to check this way. I would go through the samething with forgetting to turn it back on or stuff like that. Now I think it's solid ( knock on wood).

again just my opinion. Sorry about the swings.
Okay, so looks like I'll be upgrading to a 150 :) I'll have to upgrade a few things obviously. The overflow is on the right side of the tank so I guess I'll have to get a bigger sump.. Any ideas on a size??
Congratulations on the upgrade! As as the sump goes, a 40 might work but figure out how much water will backflow into your sump if the return pump shuts off. Are you building a stand? The available space inside the stand will also come into play. If you need to jump up to a 55 the height might be a little tricky with a stock stand. I think PETCO is having their $1 tank sale soon.
Thanks Mike! It comes with a stand, not sure of the dimensions inside tho. I was thinking 55 too but you're right, height will probably be a problem. 40 might be the answer IF it has enough room.

Do you think I'll be okay with my reef octopus 150 for now? I just spent $85 on a new motor for it lol
What size sump was on the tank originally?

What size tank is your current skimmer rated up to? I think you'll eventually want something with an 8 inch body.
Not sure actually, I'm gonna ask him. And I believe it says 150g but we all know how that goes Lol I mean I'll eventually go bigger but for now I think I'll stick with it
He said a 40B would be perfect, he had an oversized 70g in there.

Mike, does your 40 have excess silicone in it? I can't remember. I want a clean look if u know what I mean, don't really care about the part of the brace that's broken, can just put that in the back
Ya I cut off a little bit of the plastic so that I could get a holder on there for the dosing pump tubing. There wasn't a cross brace on it. I used a bunch of silicone to set the baffles. I didn't make too much of an effort to clean it up when in removed them but a razor blade would remove any excess silicone. I bought tank new and used it as a sump for about a year so it's in decent shape. Im not sure if I'd use it for a display. Is it going to be out in the open? Your more than welcome to come by and take a look at it.
I'd would be fine for that. It would end up getting gunked up in a few months anyway.:) I just looked and I have the four pieces of glass that I used for the baffles.

If you want it let me know what spa frags you have available. I'm sure we can work something out.
I know this tank is gonna be down in a couple weeks but my alk is still dropping. How is it I'm dosing but its still dropping?

Texted you this but maybe your growth exceeds your amount dosed.

Or the complete opposite. We chopped alot of stuff up so maybe your dosing too much calc now that you sold alot and its driving the alk down?

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