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Dan's Nuvo 16g

Well thanks to Rob(hockeynut) I have an 8g pico to play with :) right now it has a Beamswork light, mj1200 for flow and a basic heater set to 78°. Have a bag of chemi pure elite and some bio media in the tray. Also picked up a 6.5lb reef ready rock. I decided to go bare bottom since the bottom is black. Gives off a nice look I think. uploadfromtaptalk1412024919799.jpguploadfromtaptalk1412024929245.jpg Also just got it filled but I fear the mj1200 is way too powerful for this. As soon as I plug it in, it shoots water over the front of the glass. Guess I'll go out and grab a mj300 or something of that nature. Here it is filled. uploadfromtaptalk1412024980014.jpguploadfromtaptalk1412024990675.jpg tell me what you guys think!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
off to a good start . Looks good . Will look even better with some corals , in due time.
off to a good start . Looks good . Will look even better with some corals , in due time.
Thanks! I took water right from my 150. Do u think I'll still have a cycle even tho I added the reef ready rock? Should be enough bacteria on there right?

I just went out and got a mj400 for flow, this should be much better than the mj1200 Lol

My plan was to move my clowns into this tank and make it an anemone tank. I know its small but so are my clowns and they'd be the only 2 in there.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It might work ,but I would still let it sit for a cycle to start again. (Moving water is soothing) . Don't rush it .remember the kiss theory.
I would take the rock back out and chip the two edges that are almost touching the glass off. Otherwise, you won't be able to clean the glass in those spots. Other then that, loving it. I have a 8 gallon tank set up right now as well, and love it! (though, it's been slightly neglected over the past couple of months :X)
I would take the rock back out and chip the two edges that are almost touching the glass off. Otherwise, you won't be able to clean the glass in those spots. Other then that, loving it. I have a 8 gallon tank set up right now as well, and love it! (though, it's been slightly neglected over the past couple of months :X)
You read my mind! I was gonna take it out and do that actually Lol yeah I've never had anything smaller than a 29g so this is all new to me


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
i had same problem setting up tank ,making sure nothing was in the way of the mag.


Officer Emeritus
I think you still have to cycle the tank. Moving water from one tank to another doesn't cycle the tank it only helps. The denitrifying bacteria grows in your filter, sand and rock work. Take your time and do it right, you'll be happier in the long run.
I'm tagging along.
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NJRC Member
Nice start Dan, how come you didn't use the existing rock from your sump? It may not have cycled at all. That rock looked good and alive.
I just realized something. I should get a few small pieces of rock from my 150 and put em down by the bio media. That'll help seed everything :)
If you are doing it right try to make sure your fish are free of all diseases...use this opportunity to do make the tank a hypo-salinity to kill any ick. Then bring the tank up to regular salinity. Let it stabilize and then bring in a BTA....maybe for Christmas or something.
If you are doing it right try to make sure your fish are free of all diseases...use this opportunity to do make the tank a hypo-salinity to kill any ick. Then bring the tank up to regular salinity. Let it stabilize and then bring in a BTA....maybe for Christmas or something.
Yeah it won't be awhile before I add a BTA probably. Not even sure if my light will be enough yet. That's a good idea for doing hypo. Won't take much since its only like 7g total lol