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Dave's 60 Gallon Cube

Father and son....or is it Mother and daughter....anyway



NJRC Member
Hey Dave. Everything's looking great. I'm amazed your doing so good with tap water. That's what I started with and couldn't keep my levels down and that was before I went reef. Good Luck to you.
falconut said:
I'm amazed your doing so good with tap water.

Funny you mentiong that. I decided to set up an RO/DI unit. I have not used it yet, but it is ready to go.

Took me a while to decide to do it, but it concerns me some that at any time the water company could "shock" the water system and really do my tank in.

That said, it has not happened in 2.5 years.

My new concern is how will the tank do with the change. I may need to ease into the transition.
Hawkeye said:
that starfish pic is CRAZY!!!!!!

i call dibs on this fragging starfish business!!!! ;D j/k.

The first day I noticed the arm missing, I was concerned that a crab had ripped his arm off and eaten it, or some other mishap that would soon mean its demise.

A couple of days later, I noticed its arm in my overflow box, and assumed something happened that made it rip off inside the overflow box.

Then by the end of the week, I see a single arm making its way across the front of the glass.

Two months or so later, and can see the new arm buds on the "frag" and the "parent" starfish is showing some re-growth.

These are some of the events that make this hobby so interesting to me.
do you still have four percs? how is that panning out? I have 3 (though one is the fry of the mom) and while there is no war - the third one is not allowed to sleep in the rbta with the other two at night. they tolerate the third one in the rbta SOMETIMES during the day.

Also - i noticed you said you use gac/gfo - have you ever consider chemi-pure? Just wondering - not saying to fix anything since it seems to be working for you. :)
Hawkeye said:
do you still have four percs? how is that panning out?

Ultimately it didn't. It worked out fine for a while. I actually started with 5 percs. The problem was, over time they started to carpet surf.

Once it was down to three, then the two that were paired started to pick on the remaining one.

Hawkeye said:
have you ever consider chemi-pure?

I have tried chemi-pure, and it has been fine, but probably won't continue with it.
It has been a while since I have been on, but I still have the cube. Had a series of issues including red bugs which wiped my SPS and then the tank had some additional challenges. I am basically back to mostly softies zoos one hardy SPS and one LPS.

Planning to start the re- build process


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry to hear this Dave. I know how you feel, Hurricane Irene wiped out about 75% of my sps in my 200 and a few softies in the 120 and then The rest was killed due to a Malfunctioned Marineland heater, lack of time, money and maintenance. I started cleaning them up this past weekend and am preparing to restock.
So the cube re-start was delayed much loooooonger than expected. Anyway, started the process of cleaning some things up and planning a new design. Current tank is more of a FOWLR than anything resembling a reef tank. Fingers crossed. Rebuild will go ok.
Hobby is not for those with a low frustration level. Went to update firmware on the Apex ...after update completes display goes black...lights turn off...end up taking controller off the stand... Go through update process three more times....and finally everything comes back. So in the end all good, but 30 minute task took a few hours instead. Oh well. Just part of the hobby.

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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Hobby is not for those with a low frustration level. Went to update firmware on the Apex ...after update completes display goes black...lights turn off...end up taking controller off the stand... Go through update process three more times....and finally everything comes back. So in the end all good, but 30 minute task took a few hours instead. Oh well. Just part of the hobby.

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that also happened to me when i installed the update....it freaked me out as i thought for a moment that i had a power outage

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Oh the joys of applying updates. I deal with stuff like that almost every day. What sucks the most is when companies put out a bad update/firmware which crashes systems.
Well the road back to a functioning tank is in progress. Took out a bunch of live rock, and designed a new rock setup. Hair algae is mostly under control. Looking forward to getting some new life into the tank.

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I think it is a yellow ribbon gorgonian. The prior tank owner had it, and they didn't know.

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New SPS in the tank. Already showing polyp extension. Flower Rock anemone looks content. Clam looks ok so far. Will need time with clam to see how it does. So far so good

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