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DBTC!! Small frags from my breakdown

Small frags free to good homes. No selling, pls pass on to others. They're all closed up since i just finished gluing them. First come, first serve. Leave some for others.

I have the following:
- 1 gorgonian - just needs light and hi flow
- 4 frags of red zoas, possibly eagle eyes
- 2 frags of bleached out zoas, don't know what they are
- 2 frags blue sympodium, better than gsp, wont take over your tank
- 1 sps frag, forgot the name, won it at an njrc raffle


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Dipped the Rasta rock for 15 mins and tonight its fully opened. Looks fantastic and will become the centerpiece for my zoa tank. The small red frag is opening as well and looks like its got some great color.
As mentioned, if you decide to get back in with a smaller tank in the future, please don't hesitate to give ma a yell. I'm growing out a few varieties of softies and would be happy to donate a few to your resurgence.