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So since i had my 13.5 i always kept my lights on blue mostly...went through the cycle..im not a schedule kinda person...so i test frequently....i am a psyco as since its so small i get to see everything..so im kinda taking tweezers pulling whatever out..basically detailing the baby..but now since ive been getting new stuff, new stuff needed more light..and everything is great but now my tank is brown and green...i do water changes frequently...weekly then a bigger one monthly..i do overfeed but thats when i run my skimmer..i dont run that all the time because i mainly have zoas and shrooms...i have been using reefsnow which i know has a bad rap but the shroms love it..sry so long..


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NJRC Member
Pix? Is it brown on the rocks or is the water brown?
cyanobacteria... common in a new tank and recurring whenever conditions are favorable. They have removers like chemeclean and slime x that work but until you find and eliminate its food source it will come back. Try removing as much as you can during water changes, keep a eye on excess feeding and cut back on your light cycle if thats possible.
Yea ive been leaving the white lights on because the mushrooms seem to love it. They get so big...i gotta stop feeding marine snow i guess


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I had the same problem a few months back with a red cyano outbreak. Was feeding a bit much and had a long light cycle for growth, then had a death in the tank and was unable to recover the corpse. The stuff spread like wildfire, all over the place, don't think there was a surface without it, including the glass.
So, I went the cheat way.
Aquarium Algae Control Supplies | ChemiClean Aquarium Treatment
Did one small dose and within 48 hours my tank was sparkly clean and smelled like corinthian leather. I know because Ricardo Montalbon stopped by and told me so.
If you do decide to use, go strictly by the instructions. It is harmless to fish and coral unless it is overdosed (which is easy to do), then results are so good that the tank is cleared of everything.
I had the same problem a few months back with a red cyano outbreak. Was feeding a bit much and had a long light cycle for growth, then had a death in the tank and was unable to recover the corpse. The stuff spread like wildfire, all over the place, don't think there was a surface without it, including the glass.
So, I went the cheat way.
Aquarium Algae Control Supplies | ChemiClean Aquarium Treatment
Did one small dose and within 48 hours my tank was sparkly clean and smelled like corinthian leather. I know because Ricardo Montalbon stopped by and told me so.
If you do decide to use, go strictly by the instructions. It is harmless to fish and coral unless it is overdosed (which is easy to do), then results are so good that the tank is cleared of everything.
I just ordered the blue box of chemiclean...i have a few fish a clam crabs and snails and shrimp plus pods..it wont harm them will it? I have a yashi hashi (spelling not sure) blenny, firefish, wrasse..etc


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I dosed to instruction and all my fish, zoas, snails, and carbs are fine.
I did a big clean post treatment trying to find the deceased fish (didn't), ran a 25% water change to compensate, and decreased my feedings, also took to using a turkey baster to gently blow off the rocks and zoas every night (as I had tons of detrius collecting).
Haven't seen it back in months.
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