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DIY aio 25g cube

After doing some reading on the Eco system's miracle mud I've decided to give that theory a try - I'll try anything that's a lower maintenance way of keeping a reef tank.

I got the Mr. Aqua 25g low iron tank. Ordered a piece of black acrylic and used the rest from scrap pieces lying around. He's where I'm at so far. Hopefully it will be a fun little project.





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Officer Emeritus
Nice work. Very cool little project. Can't wait to see it progress.
This is the abbreviated version off their website (below that is link to their website, lots of info there):

The EcoSystem Method — the small EcoSystem filter used in the 14-gallon MINI — has been in use since 1994. This filtration method has three functions in the reef aquarium. First, it is a denitrifying filter – that is, nitrate is converted into harmless nitrogen gas, which ensures pristine water quality in the reef aquarium. Second, the “Miracle Mud” filter substrate continually releases 70+ minerals and trace elements into the water, making this filter the only comprehensive filtration system on the market. Third, it comes with a built-in refugium — that is, an area where the microscopic organisms that make up the food for the inhabitants of the main tank are continuously multiplying! In a nutshell, the EcoSystem Method is the most user-friendly filter available, and requires the least amount of effort to maintain. And, it ensures that all animals kept in the aquarium remain very healthy. If you are a newcomer to the hobby, we strongly recommend this system for you! It virtually guarantees that you will succeed and that you will be extremely happy with the results. That is, of course, if you READ and FOLLOW the simple maintenance steps outlined in the owner’s manual.

don't you have to replace the miracle mud over time?

Sure do. As I understand it, it is mainly meant as a refugium substrate though I'm guess you could use it in the DT as well. I think it is recommended to change half out every so often. This is something that could be complicated once you have rock sitting on top.
Don't believe everything you read though. This is not gonna make your tank maintenance free. Unless you go with a deep bed I also can't see you getting the full benefit of it converting nitrates to nitrogen.

BTW. Nice looking cube you have going there.
So I'm actually going to go bare bottom in the display. The miracle mud is in a tray that will go in a small refugium in the back compartments, the tray hopefully will be easy enough to lift out and replace when ready.




Got the return set to evenly blow water across the bottom to hopefully keep detritus from settling

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Yeah it's been frustrating getting the water level right in the back compartments, specifically the return chamber. I'm worried I might have cut the hole for the wp25 too high up. I tried tonight to make the baffle walls higher. We'll see once everything dries overnight and I'll try again tomorrow.

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Following along with this build…..nice documentation. I like that spray bar at the bottom of the tank. Once you get this going, update to comment if that works. I have a barebottom JBJ28 and you wouldn’t believe the stuff that accumulates on the bottom.
How's the flow with the wp25?

So far so good. It doesn't blow too much water where it sloshes out or anything. I've got it set on W3 mode and its pointed diagonally down from the back upper left towards the front lower right. The one rock is kinda in its path so the water is deflected from there. I would say for the $50 it costs, its by far exceeded my expectations.