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Docs First Reef come true

Just an update tanks running great just added a CPR BAK 2 Protein skimmer a couple of days ago it's doing an awesome job but I feel some of the corals that appreciate less then clean water don't like it
So its been a bit and i figure it is time for an update, the tanks still running well and the mysterious deaths have stopped knock on wood, i decided the other day i needed to do some rock work in effort to try an look for the missing during the mysterious death phase.. i found no bodies so i am assuming the Anemone found an easy meal. i moved some coral around to see if they would grow better in different areas of the tank so far the green star, the zoas, and the mushrooms have increased in numbers and the hammer corals are massive so thats a win in my book. Unfortunately moneys has been tight in the house hold for the last few weeks so i havent gotten to add anything new and the majority of expenditures have been tank upkeep costs salts, test equipment, New power cord for the lighting, The skimmer has been taken off line for the time being the tank seems to be handling well with out it for the moment. I plan to start it back up when i have a few days off i started to run into a problem in which it was producing to much extra water with the waste and the adjustments were way to sensitive which led to me coming home from a over night shift to find it dripping out the top and down the wall onto the power cord for the lighting shorting it out.. not a fun time i have the problem narrowed down but its gonna be one of those things were i have to monitor it over a period of hours to make sure its working properly enough for me to trust it not to flood/burn down the house when i am not home.. i wanted to put up pictures but at the moment the tanks not were i want it to be and until i get some time to put alittle more work into it yand add some more life i think i am gonna claim modesty :( sorry guys ill get it together. Any ways what i have learned thus far, 1. no matter how good you think your tank is doing it only takes one small fluctuation to upset the balance of life, 2. Equipment can and will break down, 3. Buy quality the first time and you wont have to buy it twice, 4. even quality has its faults, 5. Slow and steady


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
So its been a bit and i figure it is time for an update, the tanks still running well and the mysterious deaths have stopped knock on wood, i decided the other day i needed to do some rock work in effort to try an look for the missing during the mysterious death phase.. i found no bodies so i am assuming the Anemone found an easy meal. i moved some coral around to see if they would grow better in different areas of the tank so far the green star, the zoas, and the mushrooms have increased in numbers and the hammer corals are massive so thats a win in my book. Unfortunately moneys has been tight in the house hold for the last few weeks so i havent gotten to add anything new and the majority of expenditures have been tank upkeep costs salts, test equipment, New power cord for the lighting, The skimmer has been taken off line for the time being the tank seems to be handling well with out it for the moment. I plan to start it back up when i have a few days off i started to run into a problem in which it was producing to much extra water with the waste and the adjustments were way to sensitive which led to me coming home from a over night shift to find it dripping out the top and down the wall onto the power cord for the lighting shorting it out.. not a fun time i have the problem narrowed down but its gonna be one of those things were i have to monitor it over a period of hours to make sure its working properly enough for me to trust it not to flood/burn down the house when i am not home.. i wanted to put up pictures but at the moment the tanks not were i want it to be and until i get some time to put alittle more work into it yand add some more life i think i am gonna claim modesty :( sorry guys ill get it together. Any ways what i have learned thus far, 1. no matter how good you think your tank is doing it only takes one small fluctuation to upset the balance of life, 2. Equipment can and will break down, 3. Buy quality the first time and you wont have to buy it twice, 4. even quality has its faults, 5. Slow and steady
Keep in mind that like me, you're running a small tank, so things can turn on you pretty quickly. You are spot on with all 5 of your key points.
Hey guys its been awhile figured id give an update on the tank.. So I wish I can say things are going great but not so much, first I start of by saying the tank is still doing pretty well but not as good as Id like it to be. In between my last update and now there was a period of time were everything in the tank was going strong and thriving, the tank was looking great and full of life how ever that period didn't last and the tank started to go into a slow decline. Unfortunately in this period of my life like many others out there I came into some financial difficulties which led to a lack of funding to keep up with the tank and take care of some basic fundamentals like regular water changes now I cant say I have had any bad test results that I can point a finger at and say that was the cause but I can say that the water changes make a difference. Another issue I came into was my Snow Flake eel has gotten a taste for blood and has assassinated my clown fish and if possible I believe my condy anemone when it was shrunk and along with the eel my pincushion urchin likes to get drunk and plow threw my tank wrecking things and knocking lose frags into places were they are out of sight and could be missed for a few days leading to them getting stressed and sick and declining.. the last saddening event is my large hammer colony keeps loseing polyps it looks healthy but its like the polyps are literally just floating off the heads of the colony I have lost 6 heads randomly at different times 2 were just from me lightly brushing against the colony when moving rock work around.. any ways I wish I can say things were better but im working on them as much as I can and I hope to turn the tank around an back to the striving nice community it was befor
Ya I know guys it's just depressing cause things were finally starting to look really good and now I feel like my corals are slowly shrinking and becoming less vibrant
Well guys the 40 breeder is finally at its prime but sadly and happily I'll be moving up in weight class to the 72 gallon bow with in a few weeks, the 40 breeder taught me a lot I had lot of fun grew some nice coral lost some nice coral , learned water chemistry from a boOK and also learned some the hard way, I saw the tank go threw it's life cycles algae blooms parasites hitch hikers life and death, raised some cool fish lost some cool fish, meet some cool people from the club made a lot of friends got a lot of help and advice. My over all experience was a mixture of success and hard learned lessons to show the tank in its glory I snapped a few pictures today of the tank in its current prime condition you'll note some of its original corals are gone and some of its tank inhabitants also missing but others striving 20171122_161351.jpg 20171122_161429.jpg 20171122_161427.jpg 20171122_161437.jpg 20171122_161351.jpg 20171122_161437.jpg 20171122_161427.jpg