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Dosing advice needed pump product how to


NJRC Member
Hey guys, so my 200 gallon is fully running and passed the ugly stage…
I’ve started testing alk showing up 6.5 atm seem low…
I want it raise it to 9/10 roughly
Don’t need any fancy pumps just one that’ll work…
Was looking at the Jabeos maybe
Which product is decent and cheap don’t need to spend 100$ a month…
I was thinking of using the powder mix a bucket and let it do its work…

If anyone is selling a dosing pump for cheapish lmk..

What do you guys recommend

Jamie S

NJRC Member
Kalkwasser is a great, cheap way to dose. You can add it to your ato, purchase a kalk stirrer, or dose a concentrated solution via a doser. It also adds a ph boost


NJRC Member
kamoer x1 pro v2 are cheap, affordable, and reliable.
start off with dosing kalk, as it will help you raise alk and calc in a balanced way, and you also gain benefits of increased pH.
Once your tank consumes more kalk then you can put in (usually as much as you evaporate per day), then you can move over to dosing directly BRS soda ash and calcium

For reference, i have a 90g display
I dose 2760ml of kalk per day,
60ml of BRS soda ash
60ml of BRS calc


NJRC Member
kamoer x1 pro v2 are cheap, affordable, and reliable.
start off with dosing kalk, as it will help you raise alk and calc in a balanced way, and you also gain benefits of increased pH.
Once your tank consumes more kalk then you can put in (usually as much as you evaporate per day), then you can move over to dosing directly BRS soda ash and calcium

For reference, i have a 90g display
I dose 2760ml of kalk per day,
60ml of BRS soda ash
60ml of BRS calc
Hmm never tried kalk
IME/IMO Buy a brand new dosing head, kamoer is a good option, and dose all for reef. That’s the easiest way. If you get into a load of hard corals you could spend the money and stay with all for reef but gets very expensive, switch to a balling method which is basically 3 part and requires 3 dosing heads, or switch kalkwasser which requires a continuous dosing pump like ecotech versa or larger kamoer , this will require a ph controller of some sort for Saftey so you don’t nuke your tank. A Kalk stirrer is the cleanest way to dose Kalk.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I dose Dr. Randy's DIY two part (since 2008) and DIY NOPOX, all using BRS 1.1 ml dosing pumps controlled by a ReefKeeper II. The BRS pumps have "real" peristaltic pump heads and are bulletproof. I was never a fan of those mini pump heads....looked cheap.
