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Dosing Vitamin C

So, I have been trying to find a fix for this mystery ailment on some of my paly and zoa corals.. It's light brown color and basically I see a couple of polyps close up, and then within a week most of the colony gets it.. I thought I got rid of it when a colony of Pucker Pink Paly's had it.. I tried to battle it for a good month before they finally threw in the towel.

Things I tried that did or didn't help in the past..

Hydrogen Peroxide dip.. This was the most effective method I had. I followed instructions on a site I found which said it helped them with a similar issue.. They bounced back for a couple days having about half open, then closed back up and the fungus, or bacteria came back..

I tried iodine dip, coral RX, revive all did nothing at all to help the issue.

Tank perimeters are dead on where they should be too.. In fact, I was holding a few corals for someone, and he remarked that the Birds of Paradise grew more in a week for me then it did in a month for him. For flow I am using 2 Maxijet 1200's on a wavwe timer (have 2 additional powerheads coming for christmas the JBJ nanostream with the same wave timer that my other pumps are on.. The plan was to set up alternating walls so that when the left side return it on the right side pump whould be on and vise versa.

The Tank is a 28g nano cube with the PRO led lighting. The zoa's with the issue are in all different locations as well.. and where growing almost to an out of control point before they got sick.. High light shaded, it doesn't seem to matter to whatever this is..

I really love zoa's and pally's so much, but I'm at the point where I am just about ready to call it a day with them, sell off my leathers LPS, and softies and go all SPS. It seems I can't kill sps if I wanted to.. lol

So, back to the topic..

In doing some more research I found a thread on another board that mentioned almost the same issue I have, and a guy chimed in and said that he used Vitamin C dosing and it cleared up his issue in a week or two..

Has anyone here dosed Vitamin C before? I just ordered a pound of Sodium Ascorbate Powder and found a very informative site on dosing.. I would just like to get all of your thoughts on it, and any advise you might have.
So, I have been dosing Vitamin C for about 5 days now, and all my zoo's are back open and the brown fungus is vitrually gone. No ill effects to any of the corals or fish in the tank. I'm going to keep it up for a total of 2 weeks then stop and see if it returns.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Good luck, I just saw this thread. I would have also recommended Furan II
I do it once in the morning and once at night 250mg each time. This is all approximate dosing no scale, but I use a scoop that is supposed to be 250mg that I also picked up on amazon.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
I do not dose Vitamin C in the tank. However, I do mix it with selcon and garlic to soak my pellets and frozen food - daily.

That then goes in the DT water.

I use to does vit C for a carbon source and to help with color. One side effect I did notice was high alk levels, so keep an eye on your alk.

, Joe
I've been testing it daily while dosing. I was told that 10 days should be good enough.. So I will be done Wed. Will see if things stay the same.