Any recommendations as to which kind I should get & from where? I've heard pukani from BRS is good. Also, should I cure it? I was told you do not have to cure dry rock. My tank is up & running with livestock.
dry rock is dry rock. Has nothing living in or on it so i would go with the cheapest u can find, Unless u have a certain look u want. u have to cycle it. If u were looking for live rock it would b a different story.
I think it goes a bit farther then that. Some dry rock has not been cleaned and does in fact still have organic matter on it. There are others out there that are cleaned and can in fact be added to the system without worrying about throwing it into a cycle. Though it still need to be done in small amounts.
I agree with this. I know of several people that will bleach bath dry rock before adding it to their system. I will be doing the same when I upgrade.