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Enteromorpha intestinalis


NJRC Member
I think I've finally found my long-lost Enteromorpha intestinalis macro algae. I've been looking for a source for years. This macro algae is supposed to be "pantropical", meaning it grows in most oceans. But no other sources on the web seem to be able to supply it, including specialized tropical macro algae sites like Gulf Coast Ecosystems: I think I've asked 5 or 6 sites for availability. I did find it on the site below, but they used to have a $100 minimum purchase, which prohibited my purchase.

I've wanted it because it is supposed to be really easy to grow, supposed to be a great herbivore food, and supposed to taste good to us humans as well as our algae-eating critters.

I must admit that sourcing it from a tide pool in Maine will probably incur acclimation issues, and it only has limited availability (May to October). Wish me luck!
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