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epic fail!

Just a little update. Got the tank filled with water finally. added 60lbs of sand and am currently waiting for the water to clear up. My dad freaked out and thought somebody poured milk into the tank!:eek: Once the milk settles it will be time to add the live rock Ive been acquiring from craigslist. the rock has all types of feather dusters and mushrooms growing on it!
Just ordered a 1100 gph overflow box for 60$ thanks ebay! still waiting for the dust to completely settle from adding the sand. guess i should have rinsed it first lol. everything in the tank is covered in a layer of white powder. looks like a volcano erupted in there lol. will post pics as soon as the dust settles!
Looks like you need to start a build thread lol although I do like the title epic fail as a tank build thread lol. Once everything clears up it will be good. Having them really fine particles in the tank helps with surface area anyways. Also I would suggest picking up an aqua lifter pump so the tube on your overflow box doesn't fill with air and lose siphon.
Hey everybody! another update! Dont know if I should start a new thread or not let me know! As for the tank its doing very well no leaks. I have many pics to post.

Equipment List: 55 gallon AGA tank, Eheim 1060 return pump, "1200" GPH dual overflow, 4x65 Power compacts, marineland and koralia power heads, amiracle sump with just live rock heaters filter socks. no protein skimmer yet. all parameters are perfect! all live rock was mostly cured from previous tanks I had set up.

Inhabitants: Arrow crab, two clownfish, Yellow Tang, Pink Spot Goby, Pistol Shrimp, 2 blue damsels, about 25 snails, mini carpet anemone and random corals

Before you begin using the 30l as a refugium, fill it with water, add a bumbler, and test for copper.

Watch out for that green carpet, they are really pretty, but they are also known to catch and eat fish.
thanks for the advice nikkiT, I did do some research on the anemone before I got it. Im hoping if I keep it fed it wont intentionally eat any of my fish. Its looking very healthy and eating already! And with thank I found in the trash I washed it with bleach then scrubbed it with vinegar and rinsed it like crazy so it should be alright.
+2 to What nikki said... I had a carpet and fed it twice a week and he still ate over 500$ worth of fish till I got fed up And gave it away. And they Were perfectly healthy fish.