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Eric's White Reefer 450

Hi all,
I recently upgraded from a Reefer 250 to a 450. This is the largest tank I have owned and the longest.
All new real reef rock and sand. I used acrylic rod and epoxy to build structure on left and the arch. I have had issues with falling rock. Tank is 6 weeks old and doing well. I used 50 gallons from my old tank and some filter pads that were in old tank sump 2 weeks prior to changeover. Some coral are new but most were already in previous tanks.


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Thank you. I added the arch last week per the wife's request. I like an open sand look(not much rock) but I'm realizing it limits where I can put things. :)
Trying to envision when it grows in.
Currently have
Yellow tang
Coral beauty, model citizen so far.
2 false Orange clown
Orchid Dotty back, the nice one. Not mean purple.
Coral banded shrimp
3 blue Chromis. Never had schooling fish these are kind of fun.
1 pink spotted Goby.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
GReat looking tank, love the scape. I always try for clear spce but end up going heavy on rock for grow space.
Figured I would update a bit, 5 months in. Went thru the uglies. Built a roughly 10 gallon refugium area in sump and added a light opposite main light schedule.
I have never run a refugium but what a difference as far as visible algea in display. I have always battled hair algea within a month almost all of it withered away in display area. Also got a nice PH boost now that fuge is 8 weeks old.
I have not added any other equipment.

Current stock is 6 blue Chromis
2 Bartlet Anthius
2 Orange Clown
1 Pink spotted goby
1 Yellow tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 Orchid dottyback
1 Tuxedo Urchin
1 5 year old snail
3 Emerald crabs


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