LOLROTF. Mine died due to the neighbor's kid feeding the tank Tide Pods
Oh I thought that you picked it up after that. Sorry.
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LOLROTF. Mine died due to the neighbor's kid feeding the tank Tide Pods
I’m currently on my way to the airport to leave for school. I won’t be home until winter break at the earliest.
My parents have been learning how to care for the System for a while now, I’m hoping I prepared them enough. I’ve had my mom cleaning the skimmer and filter socks for a couple weeks now haha.
I’m going to try and get them to create an account on here so they can keep posting pics and such. I’ll definitely stay active on these forums as well though. I just wanted to thank everyone for your generosity ad helpfulness with everything and I hope to be home to make a meeting soon.
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Looking good Eric. Let me know if they need help.