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Feeder Grass Shrimp?


NJRC Member
Does anyone know of any local NJ fish stores that (consistently) stock live feeder grass shrimp? (Or glass shrimp or ghost shrimp or ditch shrimp?)


Know of any NJ bait shops that caries them?


Know of any locations on the NJ shore where they easily can be collected?



Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I saw them last week at oceans gallery.....they had a tank full of glass shrimp in the betta section
The petsmart by me has ghost shrimps but it's a pet smart lol I only go in there to by foods and hardware type stuff conditioners and the like
Would you consider raising and breeding your own? Amano shrimp are a little more for shrimps but easier to keep then ghost shrimps if you set up at least a heavy planted 10gallon system with wendolav java fern or guppy grass it's a low needs plant but great for the shrimps u should be able i do suggest a 20gallon long tho amano shrimps in a tank half fern half guppy grass duck weed or floating letucce screen net top wonder shells or some calcium additives and pay attention to the shrimps some require specific ph or something like that but I would stick with either ghost shrimps or amano shrimps
I can get them from my backyard. I am in Forked River, NJ. How many do you need? I'll put the trap out.
I would suggest setting up a small aquarium to breed them you can even make it look like a show tank but plan and simple a 10gallon tank 1 in sand a sponge filter bigger the better or a matten sponge filter a hand full of moss and water and easiest shrimp to breed would be ghost or amano shrimps but pick i nice one you want to look at they come in many colors but different difficulties I theorize that if I feed just red or blue shrimps to my fish i may be able to produce much more of that color in the fish so if any body cares to try the same expiremnet then please because in the very least ull have a new fun easy tank to mess with and ur own renewable food source but it might turn out to be more than that
In about 2 or 3 months i will be needing to get rid if excess shrimps if any one is interested let me know I also will make some of the food or show how to make the food for the hobbies benefit


NJRC Member
Stan - Thank you, I may just take you up on your offer.

Relic Turtle - I have done some research on Halocaridina Rubra (A.K.A. Volcano Shrimp or their Hawaiian name "Opae Ula" or Micro Lobster or Super Shrimp or Hawaiian Red Shrimp or Ecosphere Shrimp or Anchialine Shrimp or Endemic Red Shrimp or Legendary Red Shrimp or Wonder Shrimp). I was thinking of culturing them as feeders. Are you culturing them?

All that said, I was actually looking to increase the zooplankton in my system with the Grass Shrimp. I think I can do this with a slotted-bottom guppy trap, hung on a tank's edge and populated with a number of gravid females. As the eggs are released, they would pass into the reef tank either as live edible eggs or as some stage of edible larval shrimp. When the shrimp are no longer gravid, I'd either dump them in the tank as live food, or return them to the small tank holding their brethren, and then repeat the process.


NJRC Member
I saw them last week at oceans gallery.....they had a tank full of glass shrimp in the betta section

Hi Marcus,

I finally got around to visiting OG2 yesterday. Unfortunately, they are Ghost Shrimp, and are being kept in fresh water. They could probably be converted to salt water, but I'd probably kill 90% of them in the process.

Thanks for the reply,