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Finally my 24G Aqua Pod

Well I am finally getting around to posting my tank setup here.

First I want to thank Mynd for all the help and encouragement he has given me, and for the rest of you that have chimed in along the way both directly and indirectly thanks.
Also thanks to the officers who did all the work done for the frag swap it was a big boost to our family’s involvement in this obsession, I mean hobby.

I started this tank in July, we had a FOWLR 10G in our old house and decided to try and upgrade when we moved.  Still it is nano sized.

So here is what I have done, pretty basic really.  AP 24G with stock lights and pump (at the moment I have a MJ900 that I eventually will swap out).  Removed all the crap from the back chambers foam block filter, bio balls, and ceramic thingies.  I made a egg crate platform for my inflow chamber in the back it is split in two with cheato in one half with a LED light over it, and my surface skimming side with floss and a filter pad.  Under the platform I have 3 lbs of LR rubble.  I left one hole in the platform so I can stick the siphon down and get some gunk out.  The other side I hang a bag of Phosban, more on that later.

The tank has about 4 inches of live sand and 25 lbs of live rock.  Now my levels are all pretty good, my only nemesis is my calcium which is just under 400, though my test kit sucks,  I am ordering a good one this month. I dose with ESV Bionic 2, I do water changes once or twice a week between 15-25%. 

Current inhabitants:
Cleanup crew usual mix of snails and hermits.
1 sand sifting cucumber AKA  Sea Turd
1 royal urchin  (no problems other then picking up an occasional snail for a ride and eating some coralline algae)
1 queen conch
1 flower anemone
1 bicolor pseudochromis (terror) Bic (pronounced Beak the Italian way, my wife’s fish)
1 ocellaris clown …Yep Nemo…my daughter’s fish.  Both fish are about 3YO.
Shaving bush plants seem to be doing well.
candy cane coral light blue first coral
GSP…growing well…it is OK by me I like it.
frogspawn …from Sea Horse Org at the frag swap.
Blow pop zoas from Pnoy at the frag swap….should say he gave me about 2 times the heads I paid for …. It has grown well since then.
Green sarcophyton from Pat and Pablo at the swap very nice and growing
Unidentified Chalice and SPS …Mr Coral swap
Brown and orange zoas decent colony.
Blue mushrooms and green centered polyps from MAVL666…great guy very generous
Yellow gorgonian
My Failures…I figured I should include my mistakes and screwups.
#1 I didn’t use RO water to start…my gosh I was super at growing algae and diatoms.
Thus I keep a bag of phosban in the back now to try and keep my levels low, I notice that I have some residual amounts of phos in the system.
1 yellow leather…it never acclimated well to the tank and I lost it, I did drip method and was careful.
1 peppermint shrimp…OK Bic bit his head off….I fed the rest of him to the flower anemone so it wasn’t a complete loss.
1 green clown goby, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 scooter blenny….Bic is not a friendly fish is all I can say…the scooter was a LFS find I tried to save.  I have resolved to not try any more fish until Bic moves on. 
My Koralia 2 lettuce slugs 0.    I tried a second time lettuce slugs are impossible to teach.
1 green ric
Halimeda and turtle weed no idea.
My chalice and SPS.  I don’t know what they are, the SPS is doing OK the chalice was a mistake…both probably were to be honest, we asked if they would be OK before we bought them but our setup is not optimum for either. 

Most upsetting …I think I have lost a head on my frogspawn.  I am not exactly sure what happened, possible I got too much flow on it. 

What I learned:
No more lettuce slugs as my Koralia is a super salad shooter.
I need to have much better care when introducing new fish into the system, Bic is just too nasty.
Water changes are my friend, flow is a good thing.
Yellow Gorgonians are a TON of work.  Though I do like it.
RO water ONLY, I actually buy all my water salt and RO at Tropiquarium. 
GBTA have no place in a nano tank … my darn clownfish doesn’t host anything anyways.

My fuge light

Front tank







blow pops have doubled since the frag swap need a new pic.

ANYONE PLEASE identify this one for me???





Thanks everyone for looking.
Any comments ect would be great...don't kill me too bad.
It is I think a good deal of work.  I suppose if you have a very large reef tank with a lot of natural food then I would be easier.  I read as much as I could and some source say one sort of food the others another.  I try to give it a bit of each and make sure the algae stays away from it.

Thanks for the identification...lousy picture...color is usually the same though I guess the feelers are really small..sometimes it gets almost a purplish hue...almost as if inflating. As I read about it I guess it is more my imagination.  If that sounds right


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Cant you try to get a better pic of it? From the way you are describing it, it may also be a hydnophora.
wow that bi-color looks a lot like a royal gramma. Both (in my opinion) can be tempermental - but sorry to hear about the pseudo...

also thanks for mentioning the losses/mistakes - it's really helpful for others (myself included) to read and hopefully learn not to repeat. Not everyone mentions the losses - so kudos to you!! If anything this hobby teaches us patience, humility and having a healthy bank account to handle it!!!

When i picked up our tank-raised nem, she was little wee thing and the only item in the tank that hosted it was our SEIO pump. After a few months (i forget how long exactly) but she got fond of the frogspawn (note I have no anemones - lighting isn't enough) and has been in/around/under it since. So give it some time...
I will try to get a better picture ... camara needs recharged.

Second is it possible when Frogspawn split they contract for a couple days??? Today all the heads are open and looking better I saw last night it looked like they had split. :)

And you can see from some pictures that the the overall water quality has improved and I have lost all the red slime algea and hair algae.
Still have algae but not bad.
Tank is looking MUCH better! MUCH better! Nice work! Coming along well.. Good Tale of the tank up there, very funny.. lol. I am so glad that things are getting better. Now make sure you watch Magnesium and Calcium, your DKH and SG. Keep them proper for good coral growth and coralline. Looking Sweet! Good stuff!
OK so I got the new pictures of the unknown SPS.
First my mod in the back standard deal.

Here are two of the SPS unknown


Some nice macro algae growing out the side...it always is flowing away from the coral so for now I let it stay.
Here is general pic of the tank with the green centered polyps and blow pops from MAVL666 and Pnoyreefer.
Both doing well thanks again guys. :)

And finally for the question about the gorgonian from monster...I am trying like crazy with the thing...but I might be losing the battle it isn't opening as often. I try to feed it a real mix of stuff...if someone has a surefire food let me know.

Thanks for the help guys.
So my tale has had a few changes.
One I took out the gorgonian.  I tried very hard to keep it but something went wrong.  I tried to feed it, clean it and so on but I failed it. 

Second I went to AO and got some peppermint shrimp (it is debatable if this is a good, idea my pseudocromis is a nightmare) and one nice coral.

I asked what else I could put in the tank fish wise, but Will confirmed I was wise to not put any other fish in.
I have to respect his honesty that is for sure.
Here are some other photos...decided to go "blue".




One from my vacation.

Which I think would be a pretty cool inspiration for a fuge.
Thanks all.
Any further help with my SPS identification is welcome.
Hope you all like the pics.
can I see a full tank shot? these nano's always look better than I expect. might have to do one some day. whats the best one and best size that you don't need a chiller for?
That is all matter of opinion I guess....Finnex makes a really nice one with fuge in back. Red Sea is more expensive. Or some of the nanotuner custom jobs...I have no idea.
I will get a full tank shot soon.
Man oh man has this tank come a long way... Nice JR!  Looking *smart*. lol..  You have done an A rate job since the start.. So glad it is working out for you.  Definitely post a nice STEADY FTS when you have time.  No Flash..  BEA Utiful.. :D

(edited implied profanity - RichT)
Thanks mynd it means a lot to me. I will get a FT shot this weekend. I will take a couple of the mushrooms that I have too if you want them. At this point you need to get some GSP before it grows over the entire rock haha. Needless to say it is growing well.
OK took a couple days for me to post them but here you go.
The mushrooms I have couple semi loose ones are the striped ones they have attatched to little bits of rock or shell.



Thanks for looking
Well I have not updated in forever.
Here is a pic of my angel from our group buy.


Very interesting fish constantly picking at this and that (sometimes something she shouldn't). I have had great growth with some of my corals. My flower anemone not so much ( think the angel my be the cause ). Others might be looking forward to the new bulbs.
As far as the bi-color goes, you should be able to add more fish. Just don't add fish that have the psudo-shape body, like royal gramma or firefish. Try a small group of blue/green chromis. I have 3 in my pod (same as yours) with an orchid D. and a royal G. and I have no issues. The dotty and gramma chase each other around but nobody has any nipped fins. Both leave the chromis alone unless they get too curious, and even then, they are just chased away.

I have a sebae anenome as well in the tank. My "Nemo" took 2 months to realize that it was his new condo. The Sebae does not get as big as a BTA, biggest I have seen it open up is about 10" across. It moved from about halfway down the tank to as far up the rocks as it it could get and centered itself right under the 14K 150w MH and LOVES it up there and has not moved since. I added a 2nd "nemo" and he hosted up right away and now the two clowns are paired up.
Not sure if you can see it clearly, but the sebae is on top of the rock pile with of of the returns pointed at it. Baby Nemo is swimming in it. Can also see the Gramma in the top left and the dotty right under the the pump on the right side
