55 gal tank
60 pounds live aragonite sand
20 pounds Fiji live rock
Finnex 300 watt heater with controller
Finnex 24/7+ Marine 48in led
Modified aqua clear 110. Running half cut sponge, Micron filter both seperared by eggcrate, aqua clear media bag and chemipure blue.
Tank up and running for over a week and half. Just started ghost feeding yesterday because my tank never really went through a dirty phase. Actually didn't really want to ghost feed but seeing where this takes me.
Wednesday I had my first tank reading of ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm and nitrate 5ppm. Salinity taking on Saturday 1.025.
Last nite I was excited to see little white bugs on tank glass.
Personally I would like to go with more live rock because of the empty space up top.