Blended up some squid, bay scallops, shrimp, krill, silversides, salmon, and clams, then mixed in mysis, brine, and bloodworms, came out pretty good, tank seems to like it. Came out to 3 flat gallon size freezer bags, can't complain. Next time i might leave it in the processor longer. squid, scallops, shrimp and salmon were all under 20 bucks, only used half of each bag accept the salmon, i did one filet. the rest was either left over in the fridge or what i have been using daily to feed my fish. going forward it will probably be $30-$40 bucks per batch of 6 bags, can't really beat that for the amount and variety i'm getting. I could probably go even lower depending on where i get the seafood. I'll have to get a more exact price next time i do this, just for my sake, lol. Anyone else make their own food?