What type of clowns did you buy?
What type does he have?
System looks great that’s a lot of tanks and hardware.
I got the true perculas for $15 each
I got a frostbite and lightning marroon
That I have to go back to pick up.
so a total of 6 clowns.
this was the stock list check with him to confirm @jhopiv
Pair of snowflake one is premium - $100
Pair of tomato mated - $ $100
Pair of true purcula , one is a missbar - mated - $100
Pair of osceoarua clown fish mated - $45
Qty 40 - 1.5 year old true perculas - $15 each - I can do a lot better if you buy more then 2
Qty 1 - 1.5 year old frostbite - $25
Qty 1 - 1.5 year old Lightning maroon - $25
Coral Beauty - $30