I have been meaning to call you but, something always comes up and I can't seem to get to a phone before 9pm and I wont call that late. Anyway, the small group but from Blanes urned up nothing but, well, nothing.....the only thing I got out of it was a nice bright orange zoo, it was about 8 polyps when we got it and is now, still 8 polyps, you can grab 2 of those if you want one for yourself and one to trade. I also have flourescent green polyps you can grab a few of. Most of the rest of my inverts took a dive when my heater stuck on and tank went to 90 plus. The colt I got from J Lago did survive but is now very small. I cut my huge toadstool out of my tank when I re-did it and it is growing a new head as we speak, it is a green long tentacle. ( I can't spell tonight) I wish I could get myself to one of these meetings, STUPID LEG!!!) You are also more than welcome to any of the other zoos in my tank but nothing really exciting to speak of, especially the Blane order. As I mentioned before, I did finally re-do my tank, I ordered new clean up crew from phisshybusiness right after I got all the hair algea gone, that was 3 weeks ago today, still no CUC. All my powder blue mushrooms are gone, still have some (boring) red ones. Thats about all I got in my tank right now, I did replace my 17 year old clowns (that both died within a day), they are quite small but are hosting the toadstool. Gotta love the clowns, I got true percs this time. Found another big azz crab in my tank that is now in my QT, The gramma, fell out of a rock as I was cleaning it right into the sink, he is fine. You asked about my leg, two words....STUPID LEG!!!!, I should cut it off and beat myself with in, it would do me more good. I will still call you and check in with ya, if I ever get to a phone before 9pm.
I have been meaning to call you but, something always comes up and I can't seem to get to a phone before 9pm and I wont call that late. Anyway, the small group but from Blanes urned up nothing but, well, nothing.....the only thing I got out of it was a nice bright orange zoo, it was about 8 polyps when we got it and is now, still 8 polyps, you can grab 2 of those if you want one for yourself and one to trade. I also have flourescent green polyps you can grab a few of. Most of the rest of my inverts took a dive when my heater stuck on and tank went to 90 plus. The colt I got from J Lago did survive but is now very small. I cut my huge toadstool out of my tank when I re-did it and it is growing a new head as we speak, it is a green long tentacle. ( I can't spell tonight) I wish I could get myself to one of these meetings, STUPID LEG!!!) You are also more than welcome to any of the other zoos in my tank but nothing really exciting to speak of, especially the Blane order. As I mentioned before, I did finally re-do my tank, I ordered new clean up crew from phisshybusiness right after I got all the hair algea gone, that was 3 weeks ago today, still no CUC. All my powder blue mushrooms are gone, still have some (boring) red ones. Thats about all I got in my tank right now, I did replace my 17 year old clowns (that both died within a day), they are quite small but are hosting the toadstool. Gotta love the clowns, I got true percs this time. Found another big azz crab in my tank that is now in my QT, The gramma, fell out of a rock as I was cleaning it right into the sink, he is fine. You asked about my leg, two words....STUPID LEG!!!!, I should cut it off and beat myself with in, it would do me more good. I will still call you and check in with ya, if I ever get to a phone before 9pm.